



1. p4 sync


  * 更新全部,p4 sync
  * 更新指定文件, p4 sync //Acme/dev/jam/Jamfile
  * 更新指定文件指定版本, p4 sync //Acme/dev/jam/Jamfile#1
  * 更新指定目录, p4 sync //Acme/dev/jam/...


mkdir 11111
cd 11111
setenv P4CLIENT xxxxx
p4 client; #  then edit the view by yourself
p4 sync 

2. p4 add

添加文件到p4 changelist, 然后通过p4 submit命令就可以上传到p4。


3. p4 edit

将文件放入p4 changelist, 置为open状态。只有放入到changelist里面的文件才会在p4 submit的时候上传到p4库。 可以理解是git add命令。

4. p4 revert

将已经放入p4 changelist,但是还没有p4 submit的文件,回退到修改前的版本。

p4 revert xxxx_file
p4 revert //...
Revert every file you have open, in every one of your pending changelists, to its pre-opened state.
p4 revert -c default //...
Revert every file open in the default changelist to its pre-opened state.
p4 revert -n *.txt
Preview a reversion of all open .txt files in the current directory, but don't actually perform the revert.
p4 revert -c 31 *.txt
Revert all .txt files in the current directory that were open in changelist 31.
p4 revert -a
Revert all unchanged files. This command is often used before submitting a changelist.

5. p4 diff

只有放入p4 changelist里面的文件 (即需要先用p4 edit xxx命令),才可以进行p4 diff。

这跟git不一样,git可以直接git diff, p4 有些麻烦。

6. p4 files


p4 files //depot/... Provides information about all files in the depot.
p4 files //clientname/... Provides information about all depot files visible through the client view.
p4 files @2011/03/10 Provides information about all depot file revisions that existed on March 10, 2011.
p4 files @2011/03/31:08:00,@2011/03/31:17:00 Lists all files and revisions changed during business hours on March 31, 2011.
p4 files //depot/proj2/...@p2lab Lists files and revisions under the directory //depot/proj2/... tagged by label p2lab.
p4 files //depot/file.c Show information on the head revision of //depot/file.c. (that is, the highest revision in the implied range of #1,#head)
p4 files -a //depot/file.c Show information on every revision of //depot/file.c (that is, all revisions in the implied range of #1,#head)
p4 files -A //arch/depot/proj/... If an administrator has used p4 archive to transfer //depot/proj/... to an archive P4 Command depot named arch, displays information about the files in the archived project.

7. p4 print

将p4库上指定文件,指定版本的内容打印出来,可以使用>号打印到一个文件, 比如:

p4 print //p4_depot_xxx/file_xxx#20 > 1


8. p4 submit

将p4 changelist里面的文件上传到p4

p4 submit -d "xxxx"

9. p4 changelist

显示或编辑进入p4 changelist的文件,我本人一般只是用p4 changelist -o命令来显示changelist内容。

10. p4 have


p4 have Jamfile

11. p4 label


12. p4 labels

Display list of defined labels. 它是显示全部的tag, 如果需要指定人打包的可以加上-u xxx参数


p4 labels -u xxx | grep tag_xxx

13. p4 filelog

查看指定文件的历史版本信息,注意这里显示是的直到p4库上最新的修改,不是到当前目录p4 client版本为时间截止的修改历史。

p4 filelog xxxx
p4 filelog //p4xxxx/xxxx

14. p4 changes

查看最近提交的版本list log

p4 changes -s submitted -m 10 //p4_depot/xxxx/....
p4 changes -m 10 //p4_depot/xxxx/....

15. p4 delete

p4 删除文件。

16. p4 client

删除p4 client

p4 [g-opts] client -d [-f [-Fs]]clientname
linux/p4.txt · 最后更改: 2023/03/17 10:12 由

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