verdi kdb
生成verdi kdb,可以在下次要打开verdi的时候快速打开design,不用后面每次都进行vericom编译操作。
1. Generate the work.lib++ library:
vericom -f run.f
2. Generate the kdb.elab++ elaborated KDB:
elabcom -top system
3. Read the elaborated KDB into Verdi:
verdi -elab kdb.elab++
verdi -elab xxx_path/kdb.elab++
Alternatively, execute the following:
verdi -elab kdb
Options | Explanation |
-ssv | Do not automatically tag library modules in the library file (-v) as library cells. |
-ssy | Do not automatically tag library modules in the library directory (-y) as library cells. |
-ssz | Ignores 'celldefine compiler directives. NOTE: If you load the symbol library, the cell in symbol library has higher priority than a user-defined module. |
edastudy/verdi/kdb.txt · 最后更改: 2023/03/17 10:12 由