


dft spec

1. create_dft_specification


create_dft_specification [-existing_ijtag_host_scan_in host_scan_in_design_pin_spec]
[-existing_primary_tap_scan_out primary_tap_client_scan_out_design_pin_spec]
[-existing_bscan_host_scan_in bscan_host_scan_in_design_pin_spec]
[-tile_ijtag_host_list tile_ijtag_hosts]
[-stap_host_list stap_nodes]
[-active_high_compliance_enables enable_port_name ...]
[-active_low_compliance_enables enable_port_name ...]
[-sri_sib_list sri_sib_list]
[-sti_sib_list sti_sib_list]

1.1 example 4

example 4

set_dft_specification_requirements -design_type tile
set spec [create_dft_specification -tile_ijtag_host_list {left top right}]
report_config_data $spec
DftSpecification(tile_core,gate) {
  IjtagNetwork {
    HostScanInterface(ijtag) {
      Sib(tc) {
        Attributes {
          tessent_dft_function : tile_client_sib;
        to_scan_in_feedthrough : pipeline;
        so_retiming : off;
        Sib(sti) {
        Sib(sri) {
      Sib(thc) {
        Attributes {
          tessent_dft_function : tile_host_collector;
        Sib(th_right) {
          to_scan_in_feedthrough : pipeline;
          SecondaryHostScanInterface(right) {
        Sib(th_top) {
          to_scan_in_feedthrough : pipeline;
          SecondaryHostScanInterface(top) {
        Sib(th_left) {
          to_scan_in_feedthrough : pipeline;
          SecondaryHostScanInterface(left) {

1.2 tap_t.icl

Module tap {
  TCKPort         tck;
  ScanInPort      tdi;
  ScanOutPort     tdo    { Source IRMux;
    Attribute forced_high_output_port_list = "tdo_en"; 
    Attribute forced_low_dft_signal_list = "tms_disable";
  DataOutPort     tdo_en {
    Attribute associated_scan_port_list = "tdo";
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute function_modifier = "tdo_enable_active_high";
  TMSPort         tms    {
    Attribute forced_low_dft_signal_list = "tms_disable";
  TRSTPort        trst   {
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_tied_high";
  ToCaptureEnPort capture_dr_en;
  ToShiftEnPort   shift_dr_en;
  ToUpdateEnPort  update_dr_en;
  ToResetPort     test_logic_reset  { ActivePolarity 0; }
  ToSelectPort    host_1_to_sel { Source host_1_to_sel_int;
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";   
  LogicSignal     host_1_to_sel_int { instruction == HOSTIJTAG_1;    }
  ScanInPort      host_1_from_so {
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_source";
  ScanInPort      host_bscan_from_so {
    Attribute connection_rule_option         = "allowed_no_source";
    Attribute tessent_bscan_pipeline_stages  = "0";
  ToSelectPort    host_bscan_to_sel { Source bscan_select_int;
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute tessent_bscan_function  = "select";
  LogicSignal bscan_select_int { 
    (instruction == EXTEST) ||
    (instruction == INTEST) ||
    (instruction == EXTEST_PULSE) ||
    (instruction == EXTEST_TRAIN) ||
    (instruction == SAMPLE) ||
    (instruction == PRELOAD) ;
  DataOutPort     force_disable { Source force_disable_int; 
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute tessent_bscan_function  = "force_disable";
  LogicSignal force_disable_int { instruction == HIGHZ; } 
  DataOutPort     select_jtag_input { Source select_jtag_input_int;
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute tessent_bscan_function = "select_jtag_input";
  LogicSignal select_jtag_input_int { instruction == INTEST; } 
  DataOutPort     select_jtag_output { Source select_jtag_output_int;
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute tessent_bscan_function = "select_jtag_output";
  LogicSignal select_jtag_output_int { 
    (instruction == EXTEST) ||
    (instruction == EXTEST_PULSE) ||
    (instruction == EXTEST_TRAIN) ||
    (instruction == CLAMP) ||
    (instruction == HIGHZ) ;
  DataOutPort     extest_pulse { Source ext_test_pulse_int;
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute tessent_bscan_function = "extest_pulse";
  LogicSignal ext_test_pulse_int { instruction == EXTEST_PULSE; } 
  DataOutPort     extest_train { Source ext_test_train_int;
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute tessent_bscan_function = "extest_train";
  LogicSignal ext_test_train_int { instruction == EXTEST_TRAIN; } 
  DataOutPort fsm_state[3:0]{ 
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute function_modifier = "tap_fsm_state";
    RefEnum   state_encoding;
  Enum state_encoding {
    test_logic_reset  = 4'b1111;
    run_test_idle     = 4'b1100;
    select_dr         = 4'b0111;
    capture_dr        = 4'b0110;
    shift_dr          = 4'b0010;
    exit1_dr          = 4'b0001;
    pause_dr          = 4'b0011;
    exit2_dr          = 4'b0000;
    update_dr         = 4'b0101;
    select_ir         = 4'b0100;
    capture_ir        = 4'b1110;
    shift_ir          = 4'b1010;
    exit1_ir          = 4'b1001;
    pause_ir          = 4'b1011;
    exit2_ir          = 4'b1000;
    update_ir         = 4'b1101;
  ScanInterface tap_client { 
    Port tdi; 
    Port tdo; 
    Port tms;
  ScanInterface host_ijtag_1 { 
    Port host_1_from_so; 
    Port host_1_to_sel; 
  ScanInterface host_bscan {
    Port host_bscan_to_sel;
    Port host_bscan_from_so;
    Port capture_dr_en;
    Port shift_dr_en;
    Port update_dr_en;
    Port test_logic_reset;
    Attribute          tessent_is_bscan_host = "true";
  Instance fsm Of tap_fsm  {
    InputPort tck  = tck;
    InputPort tms  = tms;
    InputPort trst = trst;
  ScanRegister instruction[3:0] {
    CaptureSource  4'b0001;
    ResetValue     4'b1111;
    ScanInSource   tdi;
    RefEnum        instruction_opcodes;
  Enum instruction_opcodes {
    BYPASS            = 4'b1111;
    CLAMP             = 4'b0000;
    EXTEST            = 4'b0001;
    EXTEST_PULSE      = 4'b0010;
    EXTEST_TRAIN      = 4'b0011;
    INTEST            = 4'b0100;
    SAMPLE            = 4'b0101;
    PRELOAD           = 4'b0101;
    HIGHZ             = 4'b0110;
    HOSTIJTAG_1       = 4'b0111;
  ScanRegister bypass {
    CaptureSource  1'b0;
    ScanInSource   tdi;
  ScanMux IRMux SelectedBy fsm.irSel {
    1'b0 : DRMux;
    1'b1 : instruction[0];
  ScanMux DRMux SelectedBy instruction {
    4'b1111           : bypass;
    4'b0000           : bypass;
    4'b0001           : host_bscan_from_so;
    4'b0010           : host_bscan_from_so;
    4'b0011           : host_bscan_from_so;
    4'b0100           : host_bscan_from_so;
    4'b0101           : host_bscan_from_so;
    4'b0110           : bypass;
    4'b0111           : host_1_from_so;
    'bX               : bypass;
  Attribute            keep_active_during_scan_test = "true";
  Attribute            tessent_instruction_reg          = "instruction";
  Attribute            tessent_bypass_reg               = "bypass";
  //Attribute            tessent_instrument_container     = "chip_top_rtl1_ijtag"; 
  //Attribute            tessent_use_in_dft_specification = "false";
  //Attribute            tessent_instrument_type          = "mentor::ijtag_node";
  //Attribute            tessent_instrument_subtype       = "tap_controller";
  //Attribute            tessent_signature                = "774f0efdef9d5b074af5f536d5077f57";
Module tap_fsm {
  TCKPort        tck;
  TMSPort        tms;
  TRSTPort       trst;
  ToIRSelectPort irSel;
  ToResetPort    tlr;

1.3 tap_t

set spec [create_dft_specification -existing_ijtag_host_scan_in tap/host_1_from_so \
                                   -sri_sib_list occ -tile_ijtag_host_list {r1}]
report_config_data $spec
DftSpecification(tap_t,rtl1) {
  IjtagNetwork {
    HostScanInterface(ijtag) {
      Interface {
        design_instance : tap;
        scan_interface : host_ijtag_1;
      Sib(sri) {
        Attributes {
          tessent_dft_function : scan_resource_instrument_host;
        Sib(occ) {
      Sib(thc) {
        Attributes {
          tessent_dft_function : tile_host_collector;
        Sib(th_r1) {
          to_scan_in_feedthrough : pipeline;
          SecondaryHostScanInterface(r1) {

1.4 chip_top


set spec [create_dft_specification -existing_ijtag_host_scan_in tap_t/r1_ijtag_from_so \
                                   -existing_bscan_host_scan_in tap_t/host_bscan_from_so]
report_config_data $spec
delete_config_element [get_config_elements "Sib(sri_local)" -hierarchical -in_wrappers $spec]


DftSpecification(chip_top,rtl1) {
  IjtagNetwork {
    HostScanInterface(ijtag) {
      Interface {
        design_instance : tap_t;
        scan_interface : r1;
      Sib(sri) {
        Attributes {
          tessent_dft_function : scan_resource_instrument_host;
        Sib(pb1) {
          DesignInstance(GPS_1) {
            scan_interface : ijtag;
        Sib(pb2) {
          DesignInstance(GPS_2) {
            scan_interface : ijtag;
        Sib(pb3) {
          DesignInstance(PROCESSOR_1) {
            scan_interface : ijtag;
        Sib(sri_local) {
          Tdr(sri_tdr1) {
            DataInPorts {
              connection(0) : tap_t/select_jtag_output;
              connection(1) : tap_t/select_jtag_input;
              connection(2) : tap_t/force_disable;
              connection(3) : tap_t/extest_train;
              connection(4) : tap_t/extest_pulse;
            reset_value : 5'b00000;
        Sib(sri_ctrl) {
          Tdr(sri_ctrl) {
            Attributes {
              tessent_dft_function : scan_resource_instrument_dft_control;
    HostScanInterface(tap) {
      Interface {
        tck : TCK;
        trst : TRST;
        tms : TMS;
        tdi : TDI;
        tdo : TDO;
    HostScanInterface(bscan) {
      Interface {
        design_instance : tap_t;
        scan_interface : H0;
  BoundaryScan {
    ijtag_host_interface : HostScanInterface(bscan);
    BoundaryScanCellOptions {
      REF_CLK : clock;
      INCLK : clock;

2. get_config_elements

get_config_elements [name_patterns] [-hierarchical] [-in_wrappers wrapper_object_spec]
[-partition partition] [-count] [-type type] [-filter filter]
[-regexp] [-nocase] [-silent]


tmp(1) {
  ABC (Def,2) {
    prop1 : 1;
    Prop2 : 2;
  abc(def,1) {
  abcdef {

Case 1

This matches the wrappers with leaf name “abc” inside wrapper tmp(1) independent of whether it has an id. The matching is case-insensitive because only the id matching is case-sensitive.

get_config_elements abc -in tmp(1)

{/tmp(1)/ABC(Def,2) /tmp(1)/abc(def,1)}

Case 2

This matches the wrappers with the first id equal to “Def”. Notice that it does not match abc(def,1) as ids are matched considering casing unless the -nocase option is used.

get_config_elements *(Def,*) -in tmp(1)

{/tmp(1)/ABC(Def,2)} get_config_elements *(Def,*) -in tmp(1) -nocase

{/tmp(1)/ABC(Def,2) /tmp(1)/abc(def,1)}

Case 3

This matches elements below the top-level wrapper starting with a*.

get_config_element */a*

{/tmp(1)/ABC(Def,2) /tmp(1)/abc(def,1) /tmp(1)/abcdef}}

Case 4

This matches elements below the top-level wrapper starting with a* and having two ids.

get_config_element */a*(*,*)

{/tmp(1)/ABC(Def,2) /tmp(1)/abc(def,1)}}

Case 5

This matches elements starting with ‘p’ anywhere inside tmp(1).

get_config_element p* -in tmp(1) -hierarchical

{/tmp(1)/ABC(DeF,2)/prop1 /tmp(1)/ABC(DeF,2)/Prop2}

2.1 实例


ANALYSIS> get_config_elements *(*local*) -hierarchical   -in_wrappers $spec
ANALYSIS> get_config_elements *local* -hierarchical   -in_wrappers $spec
{/DftSpecification(chip_top,rtl1)/IjtagNetwork/HostScanInterface(ijtag)/Interface/tdi_local /DftSpecification(chip_top,rtl1)/IjtagNetwork/HostScanInterface(tap)/Interface/tdi_local /DftSpecification(chip_top,rtl1)/IjtagNetwork/HostScanInterface(bscan)/Interface/tdi_local}

3. get_name_list


get_attribute_value_list object_spec ‑name name

用于将collection格式的name转换为普通tcl string格式的name

foreach pat [get_name_list [get_config_element Patterns -hierarchical]] {
  report_config_data $pat;

4. set_defaults_value

set_defaults_value DftSpecification/rtl_extension vb
set_defaults_value DftSpecification/use_rtl_cells off
set_defaults_value DftSpecification/MemoryBist/repair_sharing on
edastudy/tessent/dft_spec.txt · 最后更改: 2024/11/12 16:56 由 user01

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