



PrimeTime 2019 Workshop Lab & Student Lab guide http://bbs.eetop.cn/thread-916544-1-1.html (出处: EETOP 创芯网论坛 (原名:电子顶级开发网))

1. report_timing

string report_timing
   [-from from_list
      | -rise_from rise_from_list
      | -fall_from fall_from_list]
   [-to to_list
      | -rise_to rise_to_list
      | -fall_to fall_to_list]
   [-through through_list]
   [-rise_through rise_through_list]
   [-fall_through fall_through_list]
   [-exclude exclude_list
      | -rise_exclude rise_exclude_list
      | -fall_exclude fall_exclude_list]
   [-delay_type delay_type]    #min(hold), max(setup)
   [-nworst paths_per_endpoint]
   [-max_paths max_path_count] 
   [-group group_name] 
   [-slack_greater_than minimum_slack]
   [-slack_lesser_than  maximum_slack]
   [-ignore_register_feedback feedback_slack_cutoff]
   [-pba_mode none | path | exhaustive]
   [-start_end_type from_to_type]
   [-cover_through through_list]
   [-pre_commands  pre_command_string]
   [-post_commands post_command_string]
   [-path_type format]    #full, full_clock, full_clock_expanded
   [-significant_digits digits]
   [-exceptions dominant | overridden | all]
   [-sort_by group | slack]
   [-tag_paths_filtered_by_pba tag_name]
加上-exceptions all可以报出unconstrained path, 
这样可以用一些special check,去检查这种异步路径的走线时延,比如用来检查FIFO
The unconstrained paths and their reason is reported for all three options if
timing_report_unconstrained_paths variable is set to true, otherwise unconstrained paths will not be
set_app_var timing_report_unconstrained_paths true

2. report_clock

status report_clock 
   [-map_of instance_list]
   [-cells hierarchical_cell_list]
   [-include internal | virtual]
report_clock -exclusivity -groups可以报出设置了哪些clock group, 是通过set_clock_groups命令。

3. set_clock_groups

status set_clock_groups 
   -group clock_list
   [-name name] 
   [-comment comment_string]
set_clock_groups -physically_exclusive -group {CLK1 CLK3} -group {CLK2 CLK4}
CLK1 & CLK3是一个group,  CLK2 & CLK4是一个group,  CLK1 CLK3 与CLK2 CLK4为不同group(异步)

4. create_generated_clock

string create_generated_clock
   [-name clock_name]
   -source master_pin
   [-divide_by divide_factor | -multiply_by multiply_factor |
    -edges edge_list ]
   [-duty_cycle percent]
   [-edge_shift edge_shift_list]
   [-master_clock clock]
   [-pll_output output_pin]
   [-pll_feedback feedback_pin]
   [-comment comment_string]
如果gen clk设置得不对的话,会导致其定义点定义不上时钟,并且之后的fanout也不会有时钟,这点有注意。
一般在upadate timing的时候会报gen clk不能expand,这时候就要去检查下gen clk是否设置正确。
而且generated clock定义点如果原来有多个clock sources的话,
需要对每个clock sources都给定义generated clock,而且还要设置好相应的clock group
定义不全的话,会导致后续否则与相应source点之间没有timing path, 可能会有timing风险。

5. set_sense

status set_sense
   [-type clock | data]
   [-pulse pulse_type]
   [-clocks clock_list]

6. report_sense

string report_sense
   [-type clock | data]
   [-clocks clock_list] 

7. report_global_slack

Displays slack of specified pins or ports.

string report_global_slack
   [-significant_digits digits]

8. report unconstrained path


set_app_var timing_report_unconstrained_paths true
edastudy/sta/pt.txt · 最后更改: 2025/02/20 09:08 由 user01

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