


pad lib

1. LV FLOW lib

ETAssemble Tool Reference.Pad Library.Function

Function Type Description
forceDisable Disables the output driver when it is set to 1. Usually, this pin is directly connected to the ForceDisable signal of the TAP. The forceDisable function does not support an active-low polarity or a pre-existing connection.
fromPad, toPad Input/Output connections from/to a pad and the core module. Typically, these connections are intercepted and the boundary scan cells are inserted.
samplePad Specifies that the pin is a test-only buffered copy of the fromPad output pin. While the fromPad pin always carries the functional data to the core, the samplePad pin reports the top-level pin state to the boundary-scan cells or to any other embedded test structure without disturbing the functional path timing.
enableHigh, enableLow Identify the active high or active low enable pins for bidirectional or output pads.
fromSJEMux Specifies the output of the SJEMux and provides feedback to the boundary-scan enable (EN) cell.
toSJEMuxLow, toSJEMuxHigh Specify the test enable signal from the boundary-scan EN cell.
toSJIMux, fromSJIMux, toSJOMux, fromSJOMux Specify the output/input on the pad cells that are connected to the Select JTAG Input (SJI) or output (SJO) multiplexer.
selectJtagEnable Specifies the connection for the SJEMux control signal, usually connected directly to the selectJtagOutput pin of the TAP, except when the pin is specified as an auxiliary output pin.
selectJtagInput, selectJtagOutput Specify the connection for the control signal, usually coming from the TAP controller, which controls the updating of the boundary-scan cell’s internal register.
fromIO Specifies the input connection from an input or inout top pin to its pad. If the pad description has this cell pin function but neither toIO nor padIO cell pin function, then the BSDL top pin direction will be forced to input even if the direction of the associated top pin is inout.
toIO Specifies the output connection from an output or inout top pin to its pad. If the pad description has this cell pin function but neither fromIO nor padIO cell pin function, then the BSDL top pin direction will be forced to output even if the direction of the associated top pin is inout.
padIO Specifies the input/output connection from a top pin to its pad. The top pin can be any direction.
padIOInv Specifies the input/output connection from the second top pin of a differential pin pair to its (differential) pad.
fromIOInv Specifies the input connection from the second top pin of a differential pin pair which direction is input or inout to its (differential) pad.
toIOInv Specifies the output connection from the second top pin of a differential pin pair whose direction is output or inout to its (differential) pad.
parametric Specifies that the cell pin is used for parametric test.
DOT6-Related functions: Group1: InitData, InitClk, TestData—This group is mandatory for all input and bidirectional AC pads.
Group2: InitDataInv, TestDataInv—This group is mandatory for differential input and bidirectional AC pads.
ACMode—This mode is optional. When this mode is present, ETAssemble adds the ACM subclass to the pad.
For details, refer to the section Pad Library File in Support for IEEE 1149.6 Boundary Scan.

2. Tessent Cell Library

3. Tessent LV Flow Pad Library Mappings

Tessent LV Flow Pad Library Mappings

Tessent LV Flow Syntax
New Tessent
forceDisable pad_force_disable
fromPad pad_from_pad
toPad pad_to_pad
fromIO pad_from_io
toIO pad_to_io
padIO pad_pad_io Specifies the input/output connection from a top pin to its pad
padIOInv pad_pad_io_inv
fromIOInv pad_from_io_inv
toIOInv pad_to_io_inv
InitData pad_init_data_dot6
InitClk pad_init_clock_dot6
TestData pad_test_data_dot6
InitDataInv pad_init_data_inv_dot6
TestDataInv pad_test_data_inv_dot6
ACMode pad_ac_mode_dot6
enableHigh pad_enable_high Specifies the active high enable pins for bidirectional or output pads
enableLow pad_enable_low Specifies the active high enable pins for bidirectional or output pads

4. define a cell model

model model_name (list_of_pins) (
  model_source = verilog_module; 
  cell_type = { clock_gating_and | clock_gating_or | 
    buffer | inverter | or | and | nand | nor |     xor | mux |  
    clock_buffer | clock_inverter | clock_and | clock_or | clock_mux |
    clock_dff | clock_shaper | dff | latch | synchronizer_cell |
    scan_cell | pad | prohibited };  
  simulation_function = { clock_gating_and | clock_gating_or | 
    func_only_clock_gating_and | func_only_clock_gating_or |
    clock_shaper_reset_active | clock_shaper_reset_inactive | buffer |
    inverter | or | and | nand | nor | xor | mux | dff | latch |
     synchronizer_cell | scan_cell | tie0 | tie1 } ; 
  pad_ac_lp_time = <time_in_seconds>; 
  pad_ac_hp_time = <time_in_seconds>; 
  bcell_lib_name = <bcell_lib_name>
  nonscan_model = model_name | model_name (list_of_pins);
  nonscan_equivalents = model_name1, modelname2 ...; 
  scan_equivalents = model_name1, modelname2 ...; 
  scan_length = integer;
    pad_ac_lp_time = <time_in_seconds>; 
    pad_ac_hp_time = <time_in_seconds>; 
    pad_ac_hp_on_chip [Yes | No]; 
    input (pin_name) (
      [pad_to_pad] [pad_pad_io][pad_pad_io_inv] [pad_enable_high]
      [pad_enable_low] [pad_to_sje_mux_low] [pad_to_sje_mux_high] 
      [pad_to_sji_mux] [pad_to_sjo_mux] [pad_select_jtag_enable] 
      [pad_select_jtag_in] [pad_select_jtag_out] 
      [pad_init_data_dot6] [pad_init_data_inv_dot6] 
      [pad_init_posedge_clock_dot6] [pad_init_negedge_clock_dot6] 
      [pad_init_enable_high_dot6] [pad_init_enable_low_dot6] 
      [pad_data_inv]       [pad_diff_voltage] [pad_diff_current]    
      [pad_from_io] [pad_from_io_inv] [pad_tied0] [pad_tied1] 
    ) // end input section of mode 
    input (pin_name2) () 
    input (pin_nameN) () 
    output(pin_name) (
      [pad_from_pad] [pad_pad_io] [pad_pad_io_inv] 
      [pad_from_sje_mux] [pad_from_sji_mux] [pad_from_sjo_mux] 
      [pad_sample_pad]       [pad_data_inv] [pad_diff_voltage]
      [pad_diff_current] pad_open_drain] [pad_open_source] 
      [pad_to_io] [pad_to_io_inv] [pad_pull0] [pad_pull1]; 
    ) // end output section of mode 
    output (pin_name2) () 
    output (pin_nameN) () 
    inout(pin_name) (
      [pad_pad_io] [pad_pad_io_inv][pad_diff_voltage]
      [pad_diff_current] [pad_open_drain] 
      [pad_open_source][pad_pull0] [pad_pull1]
    ) // end inoutsection of mode 
    inout (pin_name2) () 
    inout (pin_nameN) () 
  )// end mode 
// Completed model level statements, including pad modes if any.
// Define model interface port directions, and attributes. 

  intern (intern_nodes) (intern_attributes)
  input (pin_names) (list_of_input_attributes)
  output (pin_names) (list_of_output_attributes)
  inout (pin_names) (list_of_inout_attributes)
// Define hardware simulation function using cell library
// primitives and instances 
    //hardware_statements, see Hardware Definitions 

) // end model_name 

5. input pad

model ipad
(PAD, C)
model_source = verilog_module;
cell_type = pad;              

input (PAD) ( pad_from_io; )
output (C) ( pad_from_pad; )
instance = buf02 ipad_inst (PAD, C);
) // end model ipad 


model ipad_ien
model_source = verilog_module;
cell_type = pad;              

input (PAD) ( pad_from_io; )
input (IEN) ( pad_input_enable_high; )
output (C)  ( pad_from_pad; )
// Input a 0 (low voltage) to core when input disabled.
primitive = _and mlc_and (PAD, IEN, C);
) // end model ipad_ien


model Diff_Pad
  cell_type = pad;

  input (PADP) ( pad_from_io; pad_diff_voltage)
  input (PADN) ( pad_from_io_inv; )
  output (C) ( pad_from_pad )


primitive = _buf P1 (PADP, diff_net);
primitive = _inv P2 (PADN, diff_net);
primitive = _buf P3 (diff_net, C);


6. OD OS psd


  • OD输出Z态时需要把数据输入force为1
  • OS输出Z态时需要把数据输入force为0



6.1 output only 开漏 pad

只能驱动输出0, 数据输入1时,输出0, 数据输入0时高阻

model od_pad
 (DO, PAD)
   model_source = verilog_module;
   cell_type = pad;
     pin (DO) ( pad_to_pad; pad_data_inv;)
     pin (PAD) (pad_pad_io; pad_pull1; pad_open_source;)
   input (DO) ( )
   inout (PAD) ( )
     primitive = _pull mlc_pull_1 (1, PAD);

     primitive = _tsh mlc_tsh_1 (0, DO, PAD);

verilog mode

module od_pad (DO, PAD);
input   DO;
inout   PAD;
assign PAD = (DO == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;

6.2 od pull1 pad

只能驱动输出0, 数据输入0时,输出0, 数据输入1时高阻

model od_pad
 (DI, DO, PAD)
   model_source = verilog_module;
   cell_type = pad;

    pin (PAD) (pad_pad_io; pad_pull1; pad_open_drain;)
    pin (DO) (pad_to_pad; )
    pin (DI) (pad_from_pad; )

   input (DO) ( )
   inout (PAD) ( )
   output (DI) ( )
     primitive = _buf mlc_buf_1 (PAD, DI);
     primitive = _pull mlc_pull_1 (1, PAD);

     primitive = _inv   mlc_inv_1  (D0, DOinv);
     primitive = _tsh mlc_tsh_1 (D0, DOinv, PAD);
module od_pad (DI, DO, PAD);
output  DI;
input   DO;
inout   PAD;
assign PAD = (DO == 1'b0) ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign DI = PAD;

6.3 od inv pull1 pad

只能驱动输出0, 数据输入1时,输出0, 数据输入0时高阻

model od_pad_inv
 (DI, DO, PAD)
   model_source = verilog_module;
   cell_type = pad;

    pin (PAD) (pad_pad_io; pad_pull1; pad_open_source;)
    pin (DO) (pad_to_pad; pad_data_inv;)
    pin (DI) (pad_from_pad; )

   input (DO) ( )
   inout (PAD) ( )
   output (DI) ( )
     primitive = _buf mlc_buf_1 (PAD, DI);
     primitive = _pull mlc_pull_1 (1, PAD);

     primitive = _inv   mlc_inv_1  (DO, DOinv);
     primitive = _tsh mlc_tsh_1 (DOinv, DO, PAD);
module od_pad_inv (DI, DO, PAD);
output  DI;
input   DO;
inout   PAD;
assign PAD = (DO == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign DI = PAD;

6.4 od inv pad

只能驱动输出0, 数据输入1时,输出0, 数据输入0时高阻
这种仿真会出错,因为pad_open_drain输出Z时会把DO force为1,但电路输出为0,比较不过。

model od_pad_inv
 (DI, DO, PAD)
   model_source = verilog_module;
   cell_type = pad;
    pin (PAD) (pad_pad_io; pad_open_drain;)
    pin (DO) (pad_to_pad; pad_data_inv;)
    pin (DI) (pad_from_pad; )
   input (DO) ( )
   inout (PAD) ( )
   output (DI) ( )
     primitive = _buf mlc_buf_1 (PAD, DI);

     primitive = _inv   mlc_inv_1  (DO, DOinv);
     primitive = _tsh mlc_tsh_1 (DOinv, DO, PAD);
module od_pad_inv (DI, DO, PAD);
output  DI;
input   DO;
inout   PAD;
assign PAD = (DO == 1'b1) ? 1'b0 : 1'bz;
assign DI = PAD;
edastudy/bscan/pad_lib.txt · 最后更改: 2024/06/16 08:50 由 user01

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