


bscan tile flow

1. tap tile

注意项: 在顶层抽取BSDL时, IO 模块不能是black box,

1.1 script

#! /bin/sh
exec tessent -shell -log logfiles/$0.log -replace -dofile "$0" -arguments ${1+"$@"}

# Set the context to insert DFT into top-level design
set_context dft -rtl -design_id rtl2

# Set the location of the TSDB. Default is the current working directory.
set_tsdb_output_directory ../tsdb_outdir

# Open the TSDB of all the child cores

# Read the tessent cell library
read_cell_library ../../library/standard_cells/tessent/adk.tcelllib
read_cell_library ../../library/dummy_pad/dummy_pad.tcelllib

# Read hard_macros
read_verilog ../../library/plls/pll.v -blackbox -exclude_from_file_dictionary

# Read the design view of chip_top
set_design_sources -format verilog -y ../../library/pad_cells -extension v
set_design_sources -format verilog -y ../../library/dummy_pad -extension v
read_verilog ../rtl/tap_t.v
read_verilog ../rtl/tap_t_rtl1_tessent_tap_main.v
read_icl     ../rtl/tap_t_rtl1_tessent_tap_main.icl
set_current_design tap_t

#set_design_level physical_block
set_design_level sub_block

# Define set_dft_specification_requirements to insert boundary scan at chip-level
# Set memory_test on even if there is not memories at the top level so that the memory 
# clock DRCs are run outside the memory inserted blocks.
#set_dft_specification_requirements -boundary_scan on -memory_test on
set_dft_specification_requirements -logic_test on

# Toggle the enable to relock the PLL

# Specify the TAP pins using set_attribute_value
set_attribute_value tck  -name function -value tck
set_attribute_value tdi  -name function -value tdi
set_attribute_value tms  -name function -value tms
set_attribute_value trst -name function -value trst
set_attribute_value tdo  -name function -value tdo

# Specify all clocks so that the proper BSCAN cells gets inserted automatically for them

# Create and report a DFT Specification
# set spec [create_dft_specification -existing_ijtag_host_scan_in tap/host_1_from_so -sri_sib_list occ -tile_ijtag_host_list {r1}]
set spec [create_dft_specification -existing_bscan_host_scan_in tap/host_bscan_from_so  -existing_ijtag_host_scan_in tap/host_1_from_so -sri_sib_list occ -tile_ijtag_host_list {r1}]
report_config_data $spec
read_config_data -in_wrapper $spec/IjtagNetwork -from_string {
    HostScanInterface(bscan) {
      Interface {
        design_instance : tap;
        scan_interface : host_bscan;
read_config_data -in_wrapper $spec -from_string {
    EmbeddedBoundaryScan {
       ImplementationOptions {
         clocking           : gated_tck;
         update_stage       : flop;
         scan_path_retiming : flop;
       HostBscanInterface(tap) {
         Interface {
           ijtag_host_interface : HostScanInterface(bscan);
         EBScanPipeline(p1) {
         SecondaryEBScanInterface(to) {
         EBScanPipeline(p0) {
report_config_data $spec
             # ac_init_clock0_present: on;
             # ac_init_clock1_present: on;
             # ac_signal_present: on;
             # ac_mode_en_present: on;
# Segment the boundary scan to be used during logic test
# set_config_value $spec/BoundaryScan/max_segment_length_for_logictest  80

# Add auxiliary mux on the inputs and outputs used for SSN bus and bus_clock
# bus_in {GPIO3_0 GPIO3_1} bus_out {GPIO4_0 GPIO4_1}  bus_clock {GPIO3_2}
# read_config_data -in ${spec}/BoundaryScan -from_string {
#   AuxiliaryInputOutputPorts {
#     auxiliary_input_ports   : GPIO3_0, GPIO3_1, GPIO3_2;
#     auxiliary_output_ports  : GPIO4_0, GPIO4_1 ;
#   }
# }

# report_config_data $spec

# Generate and insert the hardware

# Extract IJAG network and create ICL file for the design
extract_icl -create_ijtag_graybox on

# Create patterns(testbenches) to verify the inserted DFT logic
set spec [create_patterns_specification]

# Point to the libraries and run simultion
set_simulation_library_sources -v ../../library/standard_cells/verilog/*.v \
                               -y ../../library/plls \
                               -y ../../library/memories \
                               -extension v
run_testbench_simulations \
  -keep_simulation_data on \
  -simulator vcs \
  -compilation_options "-sverilog +define+debussy -kdb" \
  -simulator_options "-sverilog -debug_access+all -kdb" \
  -use_design_view_per_simulation on

1.2 spec

DftSpecification(tap_t,rtl2) {
  IjtagNetwork {
    HostScanInterface(ijtag) {
      Interface {
        design_instance : tap;
        scan_interface : host_ijtag_1;
      Sib(sri) {
        Attributes {
          tessent_dft_function : scan_resource_instrument_host;
        Sib(occ) {
      Sib(thc) {
        Attributes {
          tessent_dft_function : tile_host_collector;
        Sib(th_r1) {
          to_scan_in_feedthrough : pipeline;
          SecondaryHostScanInterface(r1) {
    HostScanInterface(bscan) {
      Interface {
        design_instance : tap;
        scan_interface : host_bscan;
  EmbeddedBoundaryScan {
    ImplementationOptions {
      clocking : gated_tck;
      update_stage : flop;
      scan_path_retiming : flop;
    HostBScanInterface(tap) {
      Interface {
        ijtag_host_interface : HostScanInterface(bscan);
      EBScanPipeline(p1) {
      SecondaryEBScanInterface(to) {
      EBScanPipeline(p0) {

1.3 icl

*注意CLAMP, HIGHZ命令时是mux到bypass register。
*且必须要描述这两个指令,否则process pattern spec时会报错。

Module tap_t_rtl1_tessent_tap_main {
  TCKPort         tck;
  ScanInPort      tdi;
  ScanOutPort     tdo    { Source IRMux;
    Attribute forced_high_output_port_list = "tdo_en"; 
    Attribute forced_low_dft_signal_list = "tms_disable";
  DataOutPort     tdo_en {
    Attribute associated_scan_port_list = "tdo";
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute function_modifier = "tdo_enable_active_high";
  TMSPort         tms    {
    Attribute forced_low_dft_signal_list = "tms_disable";
  TRSTPort        trst   {
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_tied_high";
  ToCaptureEnPort capture_dr_en;
  ToShiftEnPort   shift_dr_en;
  ToUpdateEnPort  update_dr_en;
  ToResetPort     test_logic_reset  { ActivePolarity 0; }
  ToSelectPort    host_1_to_sel { Source host_1_to_sel_int;
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";   
  LogicSignal     host_1_to_sel_int { instruction == HOSTIJTAG_1;    }
  ScanInPort      host_1_from_so {
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_source";
  ScanInPort      host_bscan_from_so {
    Attribute connection_rule_option         = "allowed_no_source";
    Attribute tessent_bscan_pipeline_stages  = "0";
  ToSelectPort    host_bscan_to_sel { Source bscan_select_int;
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute tessent_bscan_function  = "select";
  LogicSignal bscan_select_int { 
    (instruction == EXTEST) ||
    (instruction == INTEST) ||
    (instruction == EXTEST_PULSE) ||
    (instruction == EXTEST_TRAIN) ||
    (instruction == SAMPLE) ||
    (instruction == PRELOAD) ;
  DataOutPort     force_disable { Source force_disable_int; 
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute tessent_bscan_function  = "force_disable";
  LogicSignal force_disable_int { instruction == HIGHZ; } 
  DataOutPort     select_jtag_input { Source select_jtag_input_int;
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute tessent_bscan_function = "select_jtag_input";
  LogicSignal select_jtag_input_int { instruction == INTEST; } 
  DataOutPort     select_jtag_output { Source select_jtag_output_int;
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute tessent_bscan_function = "select_jtag_output";
  LogicSignal select_jtag_output_int { 
    (instruction == EXTEST) ||
    (instruction == EXTEST_PULSE) ||
    (instruction == EXTEST_TRAIN) ||
    (instruction == CLAMP) ||
    (instruction == HIGHZ) ;
  DataOutPort     extest_pulse { Source ext_test_pulse_int;
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute tessent_bscan_function = "extest_pulse";
  LogicSignal ext_test_pulse_int { instruction == EXTEST_PULSE; } 
  DataOutPort     extest_train { Source ext_test_train_int;
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute tessent_bscan_function = "extest_train";
  LogicSignal ext_test_train_int { instruction == EXTEST_TRAIN; } 
  DataOutPort fsm_state[3:0]{ 
    Attribute connection_rule_option = "allowed_no_destination";
    Attribute function_modifier = "tap_fsm_state";
    RefEnum   state_encoding;
  Enum state_encoding {
    test_logic_reset  = 4'b1111;
    run_test_idle     = 4'b1100;
    select_dr         = 4'b0111;
    capture_dr        = 4'b0110;
    shift_dr          = 4'b0010;
    exit1_dr          = 4'b0001;
    pause_dr          = 4'b0011;
    exit2_dr          = 4'b0000;
    update_dr         = 4'b0101;
    select_ir         = 4'b0100;
    capture_ir        = 4'b1110;
    shift_ir          = 4'b1010;
    exit1_ir          = 4'b1001;
    pause_ir          = 4'b1011;
    exit2_ir          = 4'b1000;
    update_ir         = 4'b1101;
  ScanInterface tap_client { 
    Port tdi; 
    Port tdo; 
    Port tms;
  ScanInterface host_ijtag_1 { 
    Port host_1_from_so; 
    Port host_1_to_sel; 
  ScanInterface host_bscan {
    Port host_bscan_to_sel;
    Port host_bscan_from_so;
    Port capture_dr_en;
    Port shift_dr_en;
    Port update_dr_en;
    Port test_logic_reset;
    Attribute          tessent_is_bscan_host = "true";
  Instance fsm Of tap_t_rtl1_tessent_tap_main_fsm  {
    InputPort tck  = tck;
    InputPort tms  = tms;
    InputPort trst = trst;
  ScanRegister instruction[3:0] {
    CaptureSource  4'b0001;
    ResetValue     4'b1000;
    ScanInSource   tdi;
    RefEnum        instruction_opcodes;
  Enum instruction_opcodes {
    BYPASS            = 4'b1111;
    CLAMP             = 4'b0000;
    EXTEST            = 4'b0001;
    EXTEST_PULSE      = 4'b0010;
    EXTEST_TRAIN      = 4'b0011;
    INTEST            = 4'b0100;
    SAMPLE            = 4'b0101;
    PRELOAD           = 4'b0101;
    HIGHZ             = 4'b0110;
    HOSTIJTAG_1       = 4'b0111;
    IDCODE            = 4'b1000;
  ScanRegister bypass {
    CaptureSource  1'b0;
    ScanInSource   tdi;
  ScanRegister device_id[31:0] {
    CaptureSource  4'b0000,16'b0000000000000000,11'b00000000000,1'b1;
    ScanInSource   tdi;
  ScanMux IRMux SelectedBy fsm.irSel {
    1'b0 : DRMux;
    1'b1 : instruction[0];
  ScanMux DRMux SelectedBy instruction {
    4'b1111           : bypass;
    4'b0000           : bypass;
    4'b0001           : host_bscan_from_so;
    4'b0010           : host_bscan_from_so;
    4'b0011           : host_bscan_from_so;
    4'b0100           : host_bscan_from_so;
    4'b0101           : host_bscan_from_so;
    4'b0110           : bypass;
    4'b0111           : host_1_from_so;
    4'b1000           : device_id[0];
    'bX               : bypass;
  Attribute            keep_active_during_scan_test = "true";
  Attribute            abc = 1;
  Attribute            tessent_instruction_reg          = "instruction";
  Attribute            tessent_bypass_reg               = "bypass";
  Attribute            tessent_device_id_reg            = "device_id";
  Attribute            tessent_instrument_container     = "tap_t_rtl1_ijtag"; 
  Attribute            tessent_use_in_dft_specification = "false";
  Attribute            tessent_instrument_type          = "mentor::ijtag_node";
  Attribute            tessent_instrument_subtype       = "tap_controller";
  Attribute            tessent_signature                = "d7c6347c88a60873d82843c778bd6818";
Module tap_t_rtl1_tessent_tap_main_fsm {
  TCKPort        tck;
  TMSPort        tms;
  TRSTPort       trst;
  ToIRSelectPort irSel;
  ToResetPort    tlr;

2. io tile

2.1 script

#! /bin/sh
exec tessent -shell -log logfiles/$0.log -replace -dofile "$0" -arguments ${1+"$@"}

# Set the context to insert DFT into top-level design
set_context dft -rtl -design_id rtl1

# Set the location of the TSDB. Default is the current working directory.
set_tsdb_output_directory ../tsdb_outdir

# Open the TSDB of all the child cores

# Read the tessent cell library
read_cell_library ../../library/standard_cells/tessent/adk.tcelllib
read_cell_library ../../library/dummy_pad/dummy_pad.tcelllib

# Read hard_macros
read_verilog ../../library/plls/pll.v -blackbox -exclude_from_file_dictionary

# Read the design view of chip_top
set_design_sources -format verilog -y ../../library/pad_cells -extension v
set_design_sources -format verilog -y ../../library/dummy_pad -extension v
read_verilog ../rtl/io_a_t.v
set_current_design io_a_t
set_design_level physical_block
#set_design_level sub_block

# Define set_dft_specification_requirements to insert boundary scan at chip-level
# Set memory_test on even if there is not memories at the top level so that the memory 
# clock DRCs are run outside the memory inserted blocks.
#set_dft_specification_requirements -boundary_scan on -memory_test on
set_dft_specification_requirements -boundary_scan on
set_boundary_scan_port_options -pad_io_ports {BP_A0 BP_A1 BP_A2 BP_A3}

# Toggle the enable to relock the PLL

# Specify the TAP pins using set_attribute_value
# set_attribute_value tck  -name function -value tck
# set_attribute_value tdi  -name function -value tdi
# set_attribute_value tms  -name function -value tms
# set_attribute_value trst -name function -value trst
# set_attribute_value tdo  -name function -value tdo

# Specify all clocks so that the proper BSCAN cells gets inserted automatically for them

# Create and report a DFT Specification
# set spec [create_dft_specification -existing_ijtag_host_scan_in tap/host_1_from_so -sri_sib_list occ -tile_ijtag_host_list {r1}]
set spec [create_dft_specification]
report_config_data $spec
read_config_data -in $spec/EmbeddedBoundaryScan -from_string {
    ImplementationOptions {
      clocking           : gated_tck;
      update_stage       : flop;
      scan_path_retiming : flop;
    InternalBScanCells {
      InternalBScanCell(pipe0) {
        insert_before_port : BP_A0 ;
        safe_value         : 0;
        type               : observation;
      InternalBScanCell(pipe1) {
        insert_after_port  : BP_A3 ;
        safe_value         : 0;
        type               : observation;
report_config_data $spec

# Segment the boundary scan to be used during logic test
# set_config_value $spec/BoundaryScan/max_segment_length_for_logictest  80

# Add auxiliary mux on the inputs and outputs used for SSN bus and bus_clock
# bus_in {GPIO3_0 GPIO3_1} bus_out {GPIO4_0 GPIO4_1}  bus_clock {GPIO3_2}
# read_config_data -in ${spec}/BoundaryScan -from_string {
#   AuxiliaryInputOutputPorts {
#     auxiliary_input_ports   : GPIO3_0, GPIO3_1, GPIO3_2;
#     auxiliary_output_ports  : GPIO4_0, GPIO4_1 ;
#   }
# }

# report_config_data $spec

# Generate and insert the hardware

# Extract IJAG network and create ICL file for the design
extract_icl -create_ijtag_graybox on

# Create patterns(testbenches) to verify the inserted DFT logic
set spec [create_patterns_specification]

# Point to the libraries and run simultion
set_simulation_library_sources -v ../../library/standard_cells/verilog/*.v \
                               -y ../../library/plls \
                               -y ../../library/memories \
                               -extension v
run_testbench_simulations \
  -keep_simulation_data on \
  -simulator vcs \
  -compilation_options "-sverilog +define+debussy -kdb" \
  -simulator_options "-sverilog -debug_access+all -kdb"

2.2 spec

DftSpecification(io_a_t,rtl1) {
  EmbeddedBoundaryScan {
    pad_io_ports : BP_A0, BP_A1, BP_A2, BP_A3;
    ImplementationOptions {
      clocking : gated_tck;
      update_stage : flop;
      scan_path_retiming : flop;
    InternalBScanCells {
      InternalBScanCell(pipe0) {
        insert_before_port : BP_A0;
        safe_value : 0;
        type : observation;
      InternalBScanCell(pipe1) {
        insert_after_port : BP_A3;
        safe_value : 0;
        type : observation;

3. chip

3.1 rtl

module chip_top( 
   // Port Declarations
   input   wire      BP_A00,
   input   wire      BP_A01,
   input   wire      BP_A02,
   input   wire      BP_A03,
   input   wire      BP_A10,
   input   wire      BP_A11,
   input   wire      BP_A12,
   input   wire      BP_A13,
   input   wire      TDI,
   input   wire      TRST,
   input   wire      TMS,
   input   wire      TCK,
   output  wire      TDO
tap_t tap_t(
    .tdi    (TDI_core),
    .tms    (TMS_core),
    .tck    (TCK_core),
    .trst   (TRST_core),
    .tdo    (TDO_core),
    .tdo_en (TDO_core_en),
    .to_bscan_from_scan_out         (to_bscan_from_scan_out                     ), // input
    .to_bscan_to_select             (to_bscan_to_select                         ), // output
    .to_bscan_to_clock              (to_bscan_to_clock                          ), // output
    .to_bscan_to_capture_en         (to_bscan_to_capture_en                     ), // output
    .to_bscan_to_shift_en           (to_bscan_to_shift_en                       ), // output
    .to_bscan_to_update_en          (to_bscan_to_update_en                      ), // output
    .to_bscan_to_scan_in            (to_bscan_to_scan_in                        ), // output
    .to_bscan_to_force_disable      (to_bscan_to_force_disable                  ), // output
    .to_bscan_to_select_jtag_input  (to_bscan_to_select_jtag_input              ), // output
    .to_bscan_to_select_jtag_output (to_bscan_to_select_jtag_output             )  // output
    // .to_bscan_to_ac_init_clk0       (to_bscan_to_ac_init_clk0                   ), // output
    // .to_bscan_to_ac_init_clk1       (to_bscan_to_ac_init_clk1                   ), // output
    // .to_bscan_to_ac_signal          (to_bscan_to_ac_signal                      ), // output
    // .to_bscan_to_ac_mode_en         (to_bscan_to_ac_mode_en                     )  // output
io_a_t io_a_t0(
    .BP_A0                          (BP_A00                                      ), // input
    .BP_A1                          (BP_A01                                      ), // input
    .BP_A2                          (BP_A02                                      ), // input
    .BP_A3                          (BP_A03                                      ), // input
    .bscan_select                   (to_bscan_to_select                               ), // input
    .bscan_force_disable            (to_bscan_to_force_disable                        ), // input
    .bscan_select_jtag_input        (to_bscan_to_select_jtag_input                    ), // input
    .bscan_select_jtag_output       (to_bscan_to_select_jtag_output                   ), // input
    .bscan_clock                    (to_bscan_to_clock                                ), // input
    .bscan_capture_en               (to_bscan_to_capture_en                           ), // input
    .bscan_shift_en                 (to_bscan_to_shift_en                             ), // input
    .bscan_update_en                (to_bscan_to_update_en                            ), // input
    .bscan_scan_in                  (to_bscan_to_scan_in                              ), // input
    .bscan_scan_out                 (bscan_scan_out_t0 )  // output
io_a_t io_a_t1(
    .BP_A0                          (BP_A10                                      ), // input
    .BP_A1                          (BP_A11                                      ), // input
    .BP_A2                          (BP_A12                                      ), // input
    .BP_A3                          (BP_A13                                      ), // input
    .bscan_select                   (to_bscan_to_select                               ), // input
    .bscan_force_disable            (to_bscan_to_force_disable                        ), // input
    .bscan_select_jtag_input        (to_bscan_to_select_jtag_input                    ), // input
    .bscan_select_jtag_output       (to_bscan_to_select_jtag_output                   ), // input
    .bscan_clock                    (to_bscan_to_clock                                ), // input
    .bscan_capture_en               (to_bscan_to_capture_en                           ), // input
    .bscan_shift_en                 (to_bscan_to_shift_en                             ), // input
    .bscan_update_en                (to_bscan_to_update_en                            ), // input
    .bscan_scan_in                  (bscan_scan_out_t0                              ), // input
    .bscan_scan_out                 (to_bscan_from_scan_out )  // output
ipad TDI_inst (
   .PAD (TDI),
ipad TCK_inst (
   .PAD (TCK),
ipad TMS_inst (
   .PAD (TMS),
ipad TRST_inst (
   .PAD (TRST),
opad TDO_inst (
   .PAD (TDO),

3.2 script

#! /bin/sh
exec tessent -shell -log logfiles/$0.log -replace -dofile "$0" -arguments ${1+"$@"}

# Set the context to insert DFT into top-level design
set_context dft -rtl -design_id rtl1

# Set the location of the TSDB. Default is the current working directory.
set_tsdb_output_directory ../tsdb_outdir

# Open the TSDB of all the child cores
open_tsdb ../../tap_t/tsdb_outdir
open_tsdb ../../io_a_t/tsdb_outdir

# Read the tessent cell library
read_cell_library ../../library/standard_cells/tessent/adk.tcelllib
read_cell_library ../../library/dummy_pad/dummy_pad.tcelllib

# Read hard_macros
read_verilog ../../library/plls/pll.v -blackbox -exclude_from_file_dictionary

# Read the design view of chip_top
set_design_sources -format verilog -y ../../library/pad_cells -extension v
set_design_sources -format verilog -y ../../library/dummy_pad -extension v
read_verilog ../rtl/chip_top.v

#read_design tap_t -design_id rtl1 -view interface -verbose
read_design tap_t -design_id rtl2 -verbose
read_design io_a_t -design_id rtl1 -verbose
set_current_design chip_top
set_design_level chip

# Define set_dft_specification_requirements to insert boundary scan at chip-level
# Set memory_test on even if there is not memories at the top level so that the memory 
# clock DRCs are run outside the memory inserted blocks.
#set_dft_specification_requirements -boundary_scan on -memory_test on
#set_dft_specification_requirements -bsdl_extraction on

# Toggle the enable to relock the PLL

# Specify the TAP pins using set_attribute_value
set_attribute_value TCK  -name function -value tck
set_attribute_value TDI  -name function -value tdi
set_attribute_value TMS  -name function -value tms
set_attribute_value TRST -name function -value trst
set_attribute_value TDO  -name function -value tdo

# Specify all clocks so that the proper BSCAN cells gets inserted automatically for them
# add_clocks PLL_1/pll_clock_0 -reference REF_CLK -freq_multiplier 16
# add_clock REF_CLK -period 48ns
# add_clock INCLK  -period 10ns
set_system_mode setup
set_dft_specification_requirements -bsdl_extraction on
extract_icl -create_ijtag_graybox on
set_context patterns -ijtag -rtl
set spec [create_patterns_specification -bscan_sim_views ijtag_graybox]
report_config_data $spec
set_simulation_library_sources \
  -Y ../../library/pad_cells/ \
  -Y ../../library/dummy_pad/ \
  -extensions {v} \
  -V ../../library/standard_cells/verilog/adk.v
run_testbench_simulations \
  -keep_simulation_data on \
  -simulator vcs \
  -compilation_options "-sverilog +define+debussy -kdb" \
  -simulator_options "-sverilog -debug_access+all -kdb"

4. bsdl

-- BSDL Version 2001

entity chip_top is
    generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME");

    port (
        -- Port List
        BP_A00          : in  bit;
        BP_A01          : in  bit;
        BP_A02          : in  bit;
        BP_A03          : in  bit;
        BP_A10          : in  bit;
        BP_A11          : in  bit;
        BP_A12          : in  bit;
        BP_A13          : in  bit;
        TDI             : in  bit;
        TRST            : in  bit;
        TMS             : in  bit;
        TCK             : in  bit;
        TDO             : out bit);

    use STD_1149_1_2001.all;

    attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of chip_top: entity is "STD_1149_1_2001";

    --Pin mappings

    attribute PIN_MAP of chip_top: entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;

        "BP_A00    :  I1     , " &
        "BP_A01    :  I2     , " &
        "BP_A02    :  I3     , " &
        "BP_A03    :  I4     , " &
        "BP_A10    :  I5     , " &
        "BP_A11    :  I6     , " &
        "BP_A12    :  I7     , " &
        "BP_A13    :  I8     , " &
        "TDI       :  I9     , " &
        "TRST      :  I10    , " &
        "TMS       :  I11    , " &
        "TCK       :  I12    , " &
        "TDO       :  O1       " ;

    attribute TAP_SCAN_RESET  of TRST     : signal is true;
    attribute TAP_SCAN_IN     of TDI      : signal is true;
    attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE   of TMS      : signal is true;
    attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT    of TDO      : signal is true;
    attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK  of TCK      : signal is (1.00e+07, BOTH);

    attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of chip_top: entity is 4;

    attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of chip_top: entity is
        "IDCODE       (1000)," &
        "BYPASS       (1111)," &
        "EXTEST       (0001)," &
        "EXTEST_PULSE (0010)," &
        "EXTEST_TRAIN (0011)," &
        "SAMPLE       (0101)," &
        "PRELOAD      (0101)," &
        "HIGHZ        (0110)," &
        "CLAMP        (0000) " ;

    attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of chip_top: entity is "0001";

    attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of chip_top: entity is
        "0000"             & -- version
        "0000000000000000" & -- part number
        "00000000000"      & -- manufacturer's identity
        "1";                 -- required by 1149.1

    attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of chip_top: entity is
        "DEVICE_ID ( IDCODE )," &
        "BYPASS    ( BYPASS, HIGHZ, CLAMP ) " ;

    --Boundary scan definition
    attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of chip_top: entity is 14;

    attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of chip_top: entity is
        -- num    cell         port        function         safe  [ccell   disval rslt]
        "  13    (bc_0       , *         , internal       , X                             ),"&
        "  12    (BC_0       , *         , internal       , 0                             ),"&
        "  11    (BC_2       , BP_A00    , input          , X                             ),"&
        "  10    (BC_2       , BP_A01    , input          , X                             ),"&
        "  9     (BC_2       , BP_A02    , input          , X                             ),"&
        "  8     (BC_2       , BP_A03    , input          , X                             ),"&
        "  7     (BC_0       , *         , internal       , 0                             ),"&
        "  6     (BC_0       , *         , internal       , 0                             ),"&
        "  5     (BC_2       , BP_A10    , input          , X                             ),"&
        "  4     (BC_2       , BP_A11    , input          , X                             ),"&
        "  3     (BC_2       , BP_A12    , input          , X                             ),"&
        "  2     (BC_2       , BP_A13    , input          , X                             ),"&
        "  1     (BC_0       , *         , internal       , 0                             ),"&
        "  0     (bc_0       , *         , internal       , X                             ) ";

end chip_top;

5. 第三方TAP抽BSDL

在chip层抽BSDL时,需要能够识别到tap controller,它是由ICL里面的属性决定的。 类似如下的ICL描述:

  Attribute            tessent_instrument_type          = "mentor::ijtag_node";
  Attribute            tessent_instrument_subtype       = "tap_controller";
  Attribute            tessent_signature                = "7f9f11188d689c2876eccd7c615da355";

signature会保护module name, port name, ScanRegister name等,signature不对会报如下错误.

//  Error: The TDI 'TDI' could not be traced to a TAP controller. (BSCAN1-1)
//  Error: There was 1 BSCAN1 violation (Boundary Scan extraction TAP controller identification).
//  Error: Rules checking unsuccessful, cannot exit SETUP mode.


但可以有一个变通方案, 在RTL例化的时候也加一个tessent的TAP
可以把tessent TAP只留接口,吃ICL, 设置case切换到tessent TAP后抽BSDL。

edastudy/bscan/bscan_tile_flow.txt · 最后更改: 2024/07/19 08:03 由 user01

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