1. 查看tcl版本
info patchlevel
yum install -y tcl-devel.x86_64 tcl.x86_64
2. regexp正则表达式
regexp optionalSwitches patterns searchString fullMatch subMatch1 ... subMatchn
-nocase : 用于忽略大小写。
2.1 正则表达式规则
更详细的tcl正则表达式规则请查看 http://vmcc.vicp.net:9090/tcl86_doc/re_syntax.htm
- BRE是basic REs,就是vim和grep使用正则表达式规则。
- ERE是extended REs, 是egrep使用的规则。
- ARE是在ERE的基础上再扩展,跟perl的有点相似,但细节有些区别。
# [[:<:]]和[[:>:]]与\<和\>和功能一样, 用于匹配word边界 # 三种规则模式都支持[[:<:]] [[:>:]],但仅BRE支持 \< \> set a 123 ## 使用ARE规则: -- 默认规则,不用加任何修饰 if { [regexp {[[:<:]]123[[:>:]]} $a] } { puts "matched" } ## 使用BRE规则: -- 加个(?b)修饰符就表示使用BRE规则 if { [regexp {(?b)23\>} $a] } { puts "matched" } ## 使用ERE规则: -- 加个(?e)修饰符就表示使用ERE规则 if { [regexp {(?e)23[[:>:]]} $a] } { puts "matched" }
2.2 基本用法
set name "day day up" if [regexp -nocase {day} $name] { puts "matched" } if [regexp -nocase "day" $name] { puts "matched2" } if [regexp -nocase "cat" $name] { puts "matched3" } else { puts "not matched3" }
matched matched2 not matched3
% set a "cdb" cdb % if {![regexp {c} $a]} { puts "haha" } % set a "adb" adb % if {![regexp {c} $a]} { puts "haha" } haha %
2.3 {}与""的区别
- {}里面不能做变量替换,类似于像\s, [, ]这种功能符不需要在前面加转义
- ““里面支持变量替换,如果要输入功能符需要在前面加转义,即 \[ 表示为[, \]表示为], 简单理解该表达式打印出来的值就是我们预期的值,所以在打印的时候要考虑转义。
% set a {\[} \[ % % set a "\\\[" \[
% % set a "af" af % set b "af <= 3" af <= 3 % regexp "af " $b 1 % regexp "$a " $b 1 % regexp "af\s" $b 0 % regexp "$a\s" $b 0 % regexp "af\\s" $b 1 % regexp {$a\s} $b 0 % regexp {\s} $b 1 % regexp "$a\\s<=" $b 1 % regexp "$a\\s*<=" $b 1 %
2.4 匹配多个条件
匹配多个条件时,直接使用 | 符号
% set a "hello you" hello you % if {[regexp {hello|you} $a]} {puts "hit"} hit % if {[regexp {hello|xou} $a]} {puts "hit"} hit % if {[regexp {hellof|xou} $a]} {puts "hit"} % if {[regexp {hellof|you} $a]} {puts "hit"} hit %
2.5 submatch, 子匹配
set name "day day up" if [regexp -nocase {(day) (day) (up)} $name m1 m2 m3 m4] { puts "m1 = $m1, m2 = $m2, m3 = $m3, m4 = $m4" } if [regexp -nocase {(\w+) (\w+) (\w+)} $name m1 m2 m3 m4] { puts "m1 = $m1, m2 = $m2, m3 = $m3, m4 = $m4" }
m1 = day day up, m2 = day, m3 = day, m4 = up m1 = day day up, m2 = day, m3 = day, m4 = up
2.6 非贪婪匹配模式
贪婪匹配 | 非贪婪匹配 | 说明 |
* | *? | 非贪婪模式就是在正常匹配模式后面加一个?号 |
+ | +? | |
? | ?? | |
{m} | {m}? | |
{m,} | {m,}? | |
{m,n} | {m,n}? |
2.7 regsub正则表达式替换
regsub ?switches? exp string subSpec ?varName?
# 将abc替换为hello, 并且将替换后的内容保存到变量c % regsub {\w+} "abc def" "hello" c 1 % echo $c "hello def" # 替换abc成hello % regsub {\w+} "abc def" "hello" hello def % set d [regsub {\w+} "abc def" "hello" ] hello def % echo $d "hello def" %
2.8 使用变量作为正则表达式
% % % set c "da\[0\]\[2\]" da[0][2] % set c [regsub -all {\]} $c {\]}] da[0\][2\] % set c [regsub -all {\[} $c {\\[}] da\[0\]\[2\] % % set b "da\[0\]\[2\] = 38" da[0][2] = 38 % regexp $c $b ; ## 这里就是用$c里面的值来匹配$b里面的内容, $c是一个变量,不是固定的string 1 %
2.9 使用\逃逸
% % set c "da\[0\]\[2\]" da[0][2] % regsub -all {\]} $c {\\} da[0\[2\ % regsub -all {\]} $c {\]} da[0\][2\] % regsub -all {\]} $c {\a} da[0\a[2\a % % regsub -all {\[} $c {\\} da\0]\2] % regsub -all {\[} $c {\[} da\[0]\[2] % regsub -all {\[} $c {\a} da\a0]\a2] %
2.10 使用\1 \2
% set a "abc.ef" abc.ef % regsub {(.*c)} $a {\1} abc.ef % set ret [regsub {(.*c).*} $a {\1}] abc %
3. number
integer value: 335 (decimal), 0o517 (octal), 0x14f (hexadecimal), 0b101001111 (binary).
4. string
4.1 string length长度
% set len [string length "abc"] 3 % echo $len
4.2 string compare
string compare ?-nocase? ?-length length? string1 string2
返回结果为0表示相等, 返回-1, 表示string1 < string2, 返回1表示string1 > string2。
% string compare "abc" "abc" 0 % string compare "abc" "abc0" -1 % string compare -nocase "abc" "ABc" 0
4.3 string cat
Concatenate the given strings just like placing them directly next to each other and return the resulting compound string. If no strings are present, the result is an empty string.
string cat ?string1? ?string2...? set new_str [string cat "hello " "world"] puts $new_str #打印hello world
4.4 string replace
string replace string first last ?newstring? string replace "0x55,hello" 0 3 # 返回,hello string replace "0x55,hello" 0 3 "0x33" # 将0x55替换为0x33
Removes a range of consecutive characters from string, If newstring is specified, then it is placed in the removed character range.
4.5 string range
string range string first last string range "hello, world" 0 3 #返回hell
Returns a range of consecutive characters from string
4.6 string repeat
string repeat string count string repeat "0" 4
Returns string repeated count number of times.
4.7 string 大小写转换
string toupper string ?first? ?last?
string tolower string ?first? ?last?
5. 布尔值
布尔值是编程语言中,普遍存在的一种数据类型。即便没有这种数据类型,也会有这个概念,比如Tcl/Tk。 布尔值表示 "是、非" 或者 "真、假" 这么一个成对的概念。Tcl语言里都是字符串, 它通过一些特定字符表示布尔值。首先,很好理解的表示布尔值的单词(大小写均可): yes, no true, false on, off 数值 1, 0
% set a "true" true % if {$a} {puts haha} haha % string is boolean "true" 1 # 变量本身也是用string存储的,也可以直接和字符串比较 % if {$a=="true"} {puts haha} haha
## 布尔值单词的一部分,也被认为是布尔值 # 以下都代表"真" string is boolean "t" string is boolean "tr" string is boolean "tru" string is boolean "ye" # 对应的:f, fa, fal, fals, n 都代表"假" # 注意:字母 o 不会被认为是布尔值,因为on和off开头都是o string is boolean o >> 0 # 但是of可以用来表示"假",因为它是off的一部分
6. 进制转换
6.1 转为二进制数
% format "%b" 3 11 % format "%b" 0x3 11 % format "%b" 0x30 110000
6.2 转为16进制数
% format "%x" 0x30 30 % format "%x" 30 1e % format "0x%x" 30 0x1e %
6.3 转为10进制数
% format "%d" 0x30 48 % format "%d" 30 30 %
6.4 com_number set_bits get_bits
proc h2b {h} { switch $h { 0 { set ret 0000 } 1 { set ret 0001 } 2 { set ret 0010 } 3 { set ret 0011 } 4 { set ret 0100 } 5 { set ret 0101 } 6 { set ret 0110 } 7 { set ret 0111 } 8 { set ret 1000 } 9 { set ret 1001 } a { set ret 1010 } b { set ret 1011 } c { set ret 1100 } d { set ret 1101 } e { set ret 1110 } f { set ret 1111 } default { set ret 0000 } } # set ret [format "%04b" "0x$h"] return $ret } proc hex2bin {hex_value} { set hex_value [regsub -nocase {0x} $hex_value {}] set len [string length $hex_value] set bins "0b" for {set i 0} {$i<$len} {incr i} { set tmp [string range $hex_value $i $i] #set bins [string cat $bins [format "%04b" "0x$tmp"]] set tmp [h2b $tmp] set bins "$bins$tmp" } return $bins } proc bin2hex {bins} { set bins [regsub -nocase {0b} $bins {}] set len [string length $bins] set padding "" if { [expr $len%4] != 0} { set padding [string repeat "0" [expr (4-$len%4)]] } set bins "$padding$bins" set len [string length $bins] set hexs "0x" for {set i 0} {$i<[expr $len/4]} {incr i} { set tmp [string range $bins [expr 0+$i*4] [expr 3+$i*4]] #set hexs [string cat $hexs [format "%0x" "0b$tmp"]] set tmp [format "%0x" "0b$tmp"] set hexs "$hexs$tmp" } return $hexs } proc expandbins {width bins} { set bins [regsub -nocase {0b} $bins {}] set len [string length $bins] if { $len > $width} { return [string range $bins [expr $len-$width] [expr $len-1]] } else { set padding [string repeat "0" [expr $width-$len]] return "$padding$bins" } } proc get_bins {width hex_value msb lsb} { set bins [hex2bin $hex_value] set bins [expandbins $width $bins] set bins [string range $bins [expr $width-$msb-1] [expr $width-$lsb-1]] return $bins } proc get_bits {width hex_value msb lsb} { set bins [get_bins $width $hex_value $msb $lsb] return [bin2hex $bins] } proc set_bits {width hex_value msb lsb new} { set bins [hex2bin $hex_value] set bins [expandbins $width $bins] set new_bins [get_bins [expr $msb-$lsb+1] $new [expr $msb-$lsb] 0] set replace_bins [string replace $bins [expr $width-$msb-1] [expr $width-$lsb-1] $new_bins] return [bin2hex $replace_bins] }
% % get_bits 32 "0x33" 3 0 0x3 % get_bits 32 "0x33" 1 0 0x3 % get_bits 32 "0x33" 7 0 0x33 %
7. list
7.1 创建list
set list_a {1 2 3} #or set list_b [list 4 5 6]
7.2 list 长度
set len [llength $list_a]
7.3 list index索引
set item0 [lindex $list_a 0] % set a {1 2 3 4 5} 1 2 3 4 5 % lindex $a 0 1 % lindex $a 1 2 % lindex $a end 5 % lindex $a end-1 4 % lindex $a end-2 3
7.4 list sort排序
set list_a_sorted [lsort $list_a]
% set a {a0 b0 b2 b3 b10 b20 b22 b30} a0 b0 b2 b3 b10 b20 b22 b30 % lsort $a a0 b0 b10 b2 b20 b22 b3 b30 % lsort -dictionary $a a0 b0 b2 b3 b10 b20 b22 b30 %
7.5 list lappend追加
lappend listName value
7.6 lassign
% split {a:2} {:} a 2 % lassign [split {a:2} {:}] m1 m2 % puts $m1 a % puts $m2 2
7.7 list 嵌套
% set a {1 2} 1 2 % set b {3 4} 3 4 % set c {} % lappend c $a {1 2} % lappend c $b {1 2} {3 4} % echo $c "{1 2} {3 4}" % foreach item $c { puts "-----"; foreach i $item {puts $i}} ----- 1 2 ----- 3 4 % concat $a $b $c 1 2 3 4 {1 2} {3 4} % llength [concat $a $b $c] 6
7.8 list concat
% concat a b {c d e} a b c d e % set a {1 2 3} 1 2 3 % set b {u v w} u v w % concat $a $b 1 2 3 u v w % concat a b $b a b u v w
7.9 list 删除第一个元素
set listName [lrange $listName 1 end]
7.10 linsert 插入
linsert list index ?element element ...?
This command produces a new list
from list by inserting all of the element arguments just before the index'th element of list.
举例: 注意,linsert后面需要使用$带变量名。
set oldList {the fox jumps over the dog} set midList [linsert $oldList 1 quick] set newList [linsert $midList end-1 lazy] # The old lists still exist though... set newerList [linsert [linsert $oldList end-1 quick] 1 lazy]
7.11 lreplace
lreplace — Replace elements in a list with new elements
lreplace list first last ?element element ...?
Replacing an element of a list with another:
% lreplace {a b c d e} 1 1 foo a foo c d e
Replacing two elements of a list with three:
% lreplace {a b c d e} 1 2 three more elements a three more elements d e
Deleting the last element from a list in a variable:
% set var {a b c d e} a b c d e % set var [lreplace $var end end] a b c d
7.12 lrange
lrange — Return one or more adjacent elements from a list
lrange list first last
Selecting the first two elements:
% lrange {a b c d e} 0 1 a b
Selecting the last three elements:
% lrange {a b c d e} end-2 end c d e
Selecting everything except the first and last element:
% lrange {a b c d e} 1 end-1 b c d
7.13 split string to list
split — Split a string into a proper Tcl list
% set a "hello world" hello world % split $a { } hello world % llength [split $a { }] 2 % foreach item [split $a { }] { puts $item } hello world
7.14 技巧
目前还没有找到在递归调用中返回return list的方法, 目前自己使用的是替代方案,采用一个global的list, 然后在递归函数里直接修改该list即可。
8. array数组
8.1 创建数组
语法: set ArrayName(Index) value
set ar(0) 1 set ar(1) 2 set ar(2) 3 puts $ar(0) puts $ar(1) puts $ar(2)
8.2 array set
初始化设置array, 参数必须是要偶数个,name-value是成对出现的
% array set c {a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4} % echo $c(a) 1 % echo $c(b) 2 % echo $c(c) 3 % echo $c(d) 4
8.3 array size
% array size c 6
8.4 array name
用于搜索array里面是否出现xx name关键字
array names arrayName ?mode? ?pattern? Returns a list containing the names of all of the elements in the array that match pattern. Mode may be one of -exact, -glob, or -regexp. -glob is default
% array set c {a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4} % echo $c(a) 1 % echo $c(b) 2 % echo $c(c) 3 % echo $c(d) 4 % set c(a1) 1.1 1.1 % set c(b1) 2.1 2.1 % array name c -regexp a a a1 % array name c -regexp b b b1 % array name c -exact a a % array name c -exact a1 a1 % array name c -exact b b % array name c -exact b1 b1 % array name c -exact a2 # a2就不存在 % if {[array name c -exact a2] == ""} { echo "not exist" } "not exist" % % if {[array name c -exact a1] == "a1"} { echo "exist" } exist % % array name c a a % array name c a1 a1 % array name c a* a a1 %
8.5 array迭代
for {set i 0} {$i < [array size ar]} {incr i} { puts "ar $i : $ar($i)" }
8.6 array 非数字index
% set TD(a) a a % set TD(a,b) a,b a,b % array size TD 2 % set id [array startsearch TD] s-1-TD % array nextelement TD $id a % array nextelement TD $id a,b % array nextelement TD $id % array donesearch TD $id %
9. dict字典
dict set dictname key value # or dict create key1 value1 key2 value2 .. keyn valuen
9.1 创建dict
#创建一个空DICT %set mdict [dict create] %dict keys $mdict # 创建dict,并赋值 dict set ages zhangsan 30; 往ages添加zhangsan dict set ages lisi 40; 往ages添加lisi #or set weigths [dict create "a" 0.2 "b" 0.3 "c" 0.4 "d" 0.66]
9.2 dict unset 删除某个key
dict unset dictionaryVariable key ?key ...? dict unset ages lisi; #删除lisi
This operation (the companion to dict set) takes the name of a variable containing a dictionary value and places an updated dictionary value in that variable that does not contain a mapping for the given key. Where multiple keys are present, this describes a path through nested dictionaries to the mapping to remove. At least one key must be specified, but the last key on the key-path need not exist. All other components on the path must exist. The updated dictionary value is returned.
9.3 dict size大小
dict size $weigths
9.4 dict for
dict for {key value} $dic { puts "$key--$value" }
9.5 dict get value
dict get $weigths a foreach {key value} [dict get $weigths] { puts "$key--$value" } set value [dict get $weigths "aa"]
9.6 dict keys
dict keys $weigths
9.7 dict迭代
foreach item [dict keys $weigths] { set value [dict get $weigths $item] puts $value }
9.8 dict exists
dict exists $weigths a
9.9 dict keys sort排序
lsort [dict keys $weigths]
9.10 dict merge, 相当于copy
dict merge ?dictionaryValue ...? set dict_a [dict merge $dict_b] set dict_a [dict merge $dict_b $dict_c]
Return a dictionary that contains the contents of each of the dictionaryValue arguments. Where two (or more) dictionaries contain a mapping for the same key, the resulting dictionary maps that key to the value according to the last dictionary on the command line containing a mapping for that key.
9.11 dict 包 list
% set a {1 2} 1 2 % set b {3 4} 3 4 % set mdict [dict create] % dict set mdict key_0 $a key_0 {1 2} % dict set mdict key_1 $b key_0 {1 2} key_1 {3 4} % foreach key [dict keys $mdict] { foreach i [dict get $mdict $key] { puts "$key . $i"} } key_0 . 1 key_0 . 2 key_1 . 3 key_1 . 4
10. 条件判断 & loop循环控制
10.1 if elseif else
if { $x>0 } { puts "x>0" } elseif { $x==1 } { puts "x==0" } else { puts "other" }
set isTrue [expr { [info exists ::env(SOME_ENV_VAR)] && [string is true -strict $::env(SOME_ENV_VAR)] }] set a "word" set b "base" if { [expr [regexp {wo} $a] && [regexp {ba} $b] ] } { puts "haha" }
10.2 while
set i 8 while { $i>=0 } { puts "$i" incr i -1 } set i 8 while { $i>=0 } { puts "$i" incr i -1 if { $i == 2 } { break #continue } }
10.3 for
set b " " set loop_times 8 for {set i $loop_times} {$i>=0} {incr i -1} { lappend b $i }
10.4 foreach
set list_b {1 2} foreach i $list_b { puts "$i" }
10.5 switch
switch $x { a - b {incr t1} c {incr t2} d { [expr 1*2] } default {incr t3} }
其中 a 的后面跟一个'-'表示使用和下一个模式相同的脚本。
11. proc 过程函数控制
11.1 无参数
set xxx_var 0x3 proc helloWorld {} { global xxx_var puts "Hello, World!" puts "xxx_var = $xxx_var" } helloWorld # proc中,可以使用global xxx_var来使用proc之外的变量$xxx_var
11.2 带参数
proc add {a b} { return [expr $a+$b] } puts [add 10 30]
11.3 参数带默认值
proc add {a {b 100} } { return [expr $a+$b] } puts [add 10 30] puts [add 10]
11.4 可变个数参数
###########用法1, 传入proc的是一个list变量 % proc calc_sum {numbers} { set sum 0 foreach number $numbers { set sum [expr $sum + $number] } return $sum } % puts [calc_sum {70 80 50 60}] 260 % calc_sum 70 80 wrong # args: should be "calc_sum numbers" % calc_sum 70 70 ###########用法2,参数以args结尾, args就代表不确定数量的多个参数 % proc calc_sum2 {args} { set sum 0 foreach number $args { set sum [expr $sum + $number] } return $sum } % % calc_sum2 2 2 % calc_sum2 2 3 5 % calc_sum2 2 3 6 11 % calc_sum2 {70 80} missing operator at _@_ in expression "0 + 70 _@_80"
12. 文件
12.1 文件操作模式
模式 | 说明 |
r | 只读 |
w | 只写 |
a | 追加写 |
r+ | 读写,文件必须存在 |
w+ | 读写,如果文件存在,就变成0文件。如果文件不存在就创建文件 |
a+ | 读写,如果文件存在,只能追加写。如果文件不存在就创建文件 |
12.2 写文件
set fp [open "input.txt" w] puts $fp "test0" puts $fp "test1" close $fp
12.3 读文件
12.3.1 采用read方法
read — Read from a channel, 一下把内容全部读出来
语法:read channelId numChars
set fp [open "input.txt" r] set file_data [read $fp] puts "readout: $file_data" close $fp
12.3.2 采用get一行方法
gets — Read a line from a channel, 一行一行地读
语法:gets channelId ?varName?
set fp [open "input.txt" r] while { [gets $fp data] >= 0 } { puts "readout2: $data" } close $fp
12.4 判断文件
12.4.1 是否可执行
file executable name
Returns 1 if file name is executable by the current user, 0 otherwise. On Windows, which does not have an executable attribute, the command treats all directories and any files with extensions exe, com, cmd or bat as executable.
12.4.2 是否存在
file exists name
Returns 1 if file name exists and the current user has search privileges for the directories leading to it, 0 otherwise.
12.4.3 是否是目录
file isdirectory name
Returns 1 if file name is a directory, 0 otherwise.
12.4.4 是否是普通文件
file isfile name
Returns 1 if file name is a regular file, 0 otherwise.
12.5 文件路径展开
12.5.1 带*号匹配展开为绝对路径
glob — Return names of files that match patterns set abs_path [glob ./out/linux_*/*/]
12.5.2 相对路径替换为绝对路径
file normalize name
Returns a unique normalized path representation for the file-system object (file, directory, link, etc), whose string value can be used as a unique identifier for it. A normalized path is an absolute path which has all “../” and “./” removed. Also it is one which is in the “standard” format for the native platform. On Unix, this means the segments leading up to the path must be free of symbolic links/aliases (but the very last path component may be a symbolic link), and on Windows it also means we want the long form with that form's case-dependence (which gives us a unique, case-dependent path). The one exception concerning the last link in the path is necessary, because Tcl or the user may wish to operate on the actual symbolic link itself (for example file delete, file rename, file copy are defined to operate on symbolic links, not on the things that they point to).
set abs_path [file normalize ../../]
13. 随机数
set rand_data0 [expr int([expr rand()*10000])] set rand_data1 [expr int([expr rand()*10000])] set rand_data2 [expr int([expr rand()*10000])] set rand_data3 [expr int([expr rand()*10000])] set rand_data4 [expr int([expr rand()*10000])]
14. 调用系统shell命令
exec uname -a exec mkdir dir_a/subdir_b -p
15. info命令
[info script] # 用于显示当前脚本文件路径。 [info procs ?pattern?] # If pattern is not specified, returns a list of all the names of Tcl command procedures in the current namespace. # If pattern is specified, only those procedure names in the current namespace matching pattern are returned. # 包括用户自己写的proc函数
15.1 判断变量是否存在
% unset a % if {[info exists a] && $a == 1} { echo "haha" } % set a 1 1 % if {[info exists a] && $a == 1} { echo "haha" } haha % set a 0 0 % if {[info exists a] && $a == 1} { echo "haha" } %
16. 时间
clock microseconds 返回毫秒计时 clock seconds 返回秒计时
set time1 [clock microseconds] puts "time1 = $time1" set time2 [clock microseconds] puts "time1 = $time2" set delta_time [expr $time2 - $time1] puts "delta_time = $delta_time" #获取系统时间 % clock format [clock seconds] -format {%Y%m%d-%H:%M} 20221122-10:28 %
17. tcl command alias别名
interp alias {} echo {} puts; #为标准tcl puts命令添加一个alias 别名,取名为echo # other alias exapmles interp alias {} getIndex {} lsearch {alpha beta gamma delta} set idx [getIndex delta]
18. json
参考: https://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib/doc/tcllib-1-18/embedded/www/tcllib/files/modules/json/json.html#1
18.1 json2tcl
package require json set jsonStr { \ { "photos": { "page": 1, "pages": "726", "perpage": 3, "total": "7257", "photo": [ { "id": "6974156079", "owner": "74957296", "secret": "005d743f82", "server": "7197", "farm": 8, "title": "Kenya", "ispublic": 1, "isfriend": 0, "isfamily": 0 }, { "id": "6822988100", "owner": "52857411", "secret": "56630c18e8", "server": "7183", "farm": 8, "title": "Gedi", "ispublic": 1, "isfriend": 0, "isfamily": 0 }, { "id": "6822909640", "owner": "52857411", "secret": "f4e392ea36", "server": "7063", "farm": 8, "title": "Local", "ispublic": 1, "isfriend": 0, "isfamily": 0 } ] }, "stat": "ok" } } set d1 [json::json2dict $jsonStr] puts "d1 is :" puts $d1 foreach {key value} [dict get $d1] { set is [string is list $value] puts "$key -- $is -- " if {$key == "photos"} { foreach {key1 value1} [dict get $value] { puts " $key1 -- $value1" if {$key1 == "photo"} { foreach value2 $value1 { puts " ==========$value2" foreach {key3 value3} [dict get $value2] { puts " ========= $key3 -- $value3" } } } } } #puts "$key--$value" }
18.2 tcl2json
package require Tcl 8.6 package require json::write proc tcl2json value { # Guess the type of the value; deep *UNSUPPORTED* magic! regexp {^value is a (.*?) with a refcount} \ [::tcl::unsupported::representation $value] -> type switch $type { string { return [json::write string $value] } dict { return [json::write object {*}[ dict map {k v} $value {tcl2json $v}]] } list { return [json::write array {*}[lmap v $value {tcl2json $v}]] } int - double { return [expr {$value}] } booleanString { return [expr {$value ? "true" : "false"}] } default { # Some other type; do some guessing... if {$value eq "null"} { # Tcl has *no* null value at all; empty strings are semantically # different and absent variables aren't values. So cheat! return $value } elseif {[string is integer -strict $value]} { return [expr {$value}] } elseif {[string is double -strict $value]} { return [expr {$value}] } elseif {[string is boolean -strict $value]} { return [expr {$value ? "true" : "false"}] } return [json::write string $value] } } } set d [dict create blue [list 1 2] ocean water book {a b c d}] puts [tcl2json $d] dict set ages zhangsan 30 dict set ages lili 28 dict set addr shu "guanzhou" dict set addr lv "suzhou" dict set addr cc [list cc1 cc2] #set addr [list xx0 xx1] dict set ages misc $addr puts [tcl2json $ages]
{ "blue" : ["1","2"], "ocean" : "water", "book" : "a b c d" } { "zhangsan" : 30, "lili" : 28, "misc" : { "shu" : "guanzhou", "lv" : "suzhou", "cc" : ["cc1","cc2"] } }
18.3 printtcl
此处是为了打印tcl变量的值,支持普通变量的dict & list, 但其实使用json格式来展示打印会更好。 tcl2json
package require json set jsonStr { \ { "photos": { "page": 1, "pages": "726", "perpage": 3, "total": "7257", "photo": [ { "id": "6974156079", "owner": "74957296", "secret": "005d743f82", "server": "7197", "farm": 8, "title": "Kenya", "ispublic": 1, "isfriend": 0, "isfamily": 0 }, { "id": "6822988100", "owner": "52857411", "secret": "56630c18e8", "server": "7183", "farm": 8, "title": "Gedi", "ispublic": 1, "isfriend": 0, "isfamily": 0 }, { "id": "6822909640", "owner": "52857411", "secret": "f4e392ea36", "server": "7063", "farm": 8, "title": "Local", "ispublic": 1, "isfriend": 0, "isfamily": 0 } ] }, "stat": "ok" } } set d1 [json::json2dict $jsonStr] puts "d1 is :" puts $d1 proc printtcl {value {prefix ""}} { # Guess the type of the value; deep *UNSUPPORTED* magic! regexp {^value is a (.*?) with a refcount} \ [::tcl::unsupported::representation $value] -> type switch $type { dict { dict map {k v} $value { puts "$prefix\key:$k" printtcl $v "$prefix " } } list { lmap v $value { puts "$prefix\list item:\[" printtcl $v "$prefix " puts "$prefix\list item:\]" } } default { puts "$prefix$value" } } } printtcl $d1
d1 is : photos {page 1 pages 726 perpage 3 total 7257 photo {{id 6974156079 owner 74957296 secret 005d743f82 server 7197 farm 8 title Kenya ispublic 1 isfriend 0 isfamily 0} {id 6822988100 owner 52857411 secret 56630c18e8 server 7183 farm 8 title Gedi ispublic 1 isfriend 0 isfamily 0} {id 6822909640 owner 52857411 secret f4e392ea36 server 7063 farm 8 title Local ispublic 1 isfriend 0 isfamily 0}}} stat ok key:photos key:page 1 key:pages 726 key:perpage 3 key:total 7257 key:photo list item:[ key:id 6974156079 key:owner 74957296 key:secret 005d743f82 key:server 7197 key:farm 8 key:title Kenya key:ispublic 1 key:isfriend 0 key:isfamily 0 list item:] list item:[ key:id 6822988100 key:owner 52857411 key:secret 56630c18e8 key:server 7183 key:farm 8 key:title Gedi key:ispublic 1 key:isfriend 0 key:isfamily 0 list item:] list item:[ key:id 6822909640 key:owner 52857411 key:secret f4e392ea36 key:server 7063 key:farm 8 key:title Local key:ispublic 1 key:isfriend 0 key:isfamily 0 list item:] key:stat ok
19. 其它注意
- 标准tcl不支持