

1. 删除N天前最老的目录或文件

删除3天前最老的目录或文件,find时仅限搜索一层。 -- 感觉这玩意有时候不灵,不太好用。

find /your_dir/ -maxdepth 1 -mtime +3 | head -1 | xargs rm -rf 

2. 解压

Main operation mode:
       -c, --create
              create a new archive
       -x, --extract, --get
              extract files from an archive

       -v, --verbose
              verbosely list files processed
       -f, --file=ARCHIVE
              use archive file or device ARCHIVE

       -z, --gzip
              filter the archive through gzip
       -j, --bzip2
              filter the archive through bzip2
       -J, --xz
              filter the archive through xz

       -C, --directory=DIR
              change to directory DIR

3. cksum


cksum [FILE]...

一般网上下载软件的时候都需要check crc值,来确保下载数据有没有问题,有时候即使文件大小,crc也是check不过的,下载下来的数据包有问题。

4. mount

4.1 NFS

mount -t nfs /mnt/nfs

4.2 cdrom

mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /media/dvd1
mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd1 /media/dvd2

5. cdls

linux cd命令后自动ls目录


alias cd='new() { cd $1; ls; }; new'


alias cd 'cd \!*; ls'

6. 管道


command1 | command2
command1 | command2 [ | commandN... ]


7. bshell prompt

Sequence Value Displayed
\a ASCII bell. This makes the computer beep when it is encountered.
\d Current date in day, month, date format. For example, “Mon May 
\h Hostname of the local machine minus the trailing domain name.
\H Full hostname.
\j Number of jobs running in the current shell session.
\l Name of the current terminal device.
\n A newline character.
\r A carriage return.
\s Name of the shell program.
\t Current time in 24 hour hours:minutes:seconds format.
\T Current time in 12 hour format.
\@ Current time in 12 hour AM/PM format.
\A Current time in 24 hour hours:minutes format.
\u username of the current user.
\v Version number of the shell.
\V Version and release numbers of the shell.
\w Name of the current working directory.
\W Last part of the current working directory name.
\! History number of the current command.
\# Number of commands entered during this shell session.
\$ This displays a “$” character unless we have superuser privileges. 
In that case, it displays a “#” instead.
\[ Signals the start of a series of one or more non-printing characters. 
This is used to embed non-printing control characters which 
manipulate the terminal emulator in some way, such as moving the 
13 – Customizing The Prompt
cursor or changing text colors.
\] Signals the end of a non-printing character sequence.

8. cshell prompt

The string which is printed before reading each command from the terminal. prompt may include any of the following formatting sequences (+), which are replaced by the given informa- tion:
%/ The current working directory.
%˜ The current working directory, but with one’s home directory represented by ‘˜’ and other users’ home directories represented by ‘˜user’ as per Filename substitution. ‘˜user’ substi- tution happens only if the shell has already used ‘˜user’ in a pathname in the current session.
%c[[0]n], %.[[0]n] The trailing component of the current working directory, or n trailing components if a digit n is given. If n begins with ‘0’, the number of skipped components precede the trailing com- ponent(s) in the format ‘/<skipped>trailing’. If the ellipsis shell variable is set, skipped components are represented by an ellipsis so the whole becomes ‘...trailing’. ‘˜’ substitution is done as in%˜’ above, but the ‘˜’ component is ignored when counting trailing compo- nents.
%C Like %c, but without ‘˜’ substitution.
%h, %!, ! The current history event number.
%M The full hostname.
%m The hostname up to the first ‘.’.
%S (%s) Start (stop) standout mode.
%B (%b) Start (stop) boldfacing mode.
%U (%u) Start (stop) underline mode.
%t, %@ The time of day in 12-hour AM/PM format.
%T Like ‘%t’, but in 24-hour format (but see the ampm shell variable).
%p The ‘precise’ time of day in 12-hour AM/PM format, with seconds.
%P Like ‘%p’, but in 24-hour format (but see the ampm shell variable).
\c c is parsed as in bindkey.
ˆc c is parsed as in bindkey.
%% A single ‘%’.
%n The user name.
%d The weekday in ‘Day’ format.
%D The day indd’ format.
%w The month in ‘Mon’ format.
%W The month in ‘mm’ format.
%y The year in ‘yy’ format.
%Y The year in ‘yyyy’ format.
%l The shell’s tty.
%L Clears from the end of the prompt to end of the display or the end of the line.
%$ Expands the shell or environment variable name immediately after the ‘$’.
%# ‘>’ (or the first character of the promptchars shell variable) for normal users, ‘#’ (or the second character of promptchars) for the superuser.
%{string%} Includes string as a literal escape sequence. It should be used only to change terminal attributes and should not move the cursor location. This cannot be the last sequence in prompt.
%? The return code of the command executed just before the prompt.
%R In prompt2, the status of the parser. In prompt3, the corrected string. In history, the his- tory string.
‘%B’, ‘%S’, ‘%U’ and ‘%{string%}’ are available in only eight-bit-clean shells; see the version shell variable.
The bold, standout and underline sequences are often used to distinguish a superuser shell. For example,
> set prompt = “%m [%h] %B[%@]%b [%/] you rang? ”
tut [37] [2:54pm] [/usr/accts/sys] you rang? _
If ‘%t’, ‘%@’, ‘%T’, ‘%p’, or ‘%P’ is used, and noding is not set, then print ‘DING!’ on the change of hour (i.e, ‘:00’ minutes) instead of the actual time.
Set by default to ‘%# ’ in interactive shells.

9. 修改terminal title


使用csh时,可以在.cshrc文件中添加如下设置: set prompt = “%{\033]0;%C2\007%}%/


10. cshrc

set title = "%{\033]0;%C2\007%}"
set prompt = "$title%B%m %/ %b"
##################### alias #########################
# alias   ls          "ls --color"
alias   cd          "cd \!*;ls"
alias   ll          "ls -l"
alias   lrt         "ls -lrt"
alias   lrs         "ls -lrSh"
alias   la          "ls -a"
alias   lla         "ls -l -a"
alias   hh          "history"
alias   h           "history 30"
alias   .           "pwd"
alias   ..          "cd .."
alias   g           "gvim"

11. 不同机器之间手动同步时间


12. sort

  1. sort [选项参数] [-o<输出文件>] [-t<分隔字符>] [+<起始栏位> -<结束栏位>] [文件]
  3. -c ===> 检查文件是否已经按照顺序排序
  5. -b ===> 忽略每行前面开始处的空格字符
  6. -i ===> 排序时,除了040至176之间的ASCII字符外,忽略其他的字符
  7. -d ===> 排序时,处理英文字母、数字及空格字符外,忽略其他的字符
  8. -f ===> 排序时,将小写字母视为大写字母
  9. -M ===> 将前面3个字母依照月份的缩写进行排序
  10. -n ===> 依照数值的大小排序
  11. -g ===> 按通用数值排序,支持科学计数法
  12. -r ===> 以相反的顺序来排序
  14. -u ===> 对排序后的数据去重
  15. -m ===> 将几个排序好的文件进行合并
  17. -t ===> <分隔字符> 指定排序时所用的栏位分隔字符
  18. -k ===> POS1[,POS2] (配合-t)排序从POS1开始,若指定POS2,则POS2结束,否则以pos1排序
  19. + ===> <起始栏位> -<结束栏位> 以指定的栏位来排序,范围由起始栏位到结束栏位的前一栏位(从0开始)
  20. -o ===> <输出文件> 将排序后的结果存入指定的文件
  21. ————————————————
  22. 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「IT蓝月」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。
  23. 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/ITlanyue/article/details/105013828

13. tail

tail - output the last part of files

tail -n 20 file; # 输出文件的最后20行
tail -n +20 file; # 从文件的第20行开始输出

head - output the first part of files

head -n 20 file; # 输出文件的前20行内容

15. sed

15.1 基本用法

sed 常用命令

sed -i 's/regexp/replace' xxx.txt;   替换文件内容,并修改文件
sed -n 'p' xxx.txt    ;   #  全部打印输出文件内容
sed 's/regexp/replace/' xxx.txt;  将文件内容替换打印输出,但不修改文件。
sed -n '1,3p' xxx.txt;    # 只打印输出文件的1到3行
sed -n '2p' xxx.txt;    # 只打印输出文件第2行
sed 's/regexp/replacement/' distros.txt
# regexp expand方式的匹配,可以理解为ERE
sed -r 's/(regexp)/new_\1' distros.txt
# 和上面效果一样,是普通的regexp, 可以理解为BRE
sed 's/\(regexp\)/new_\1/' distros.txt
# -i, 将替换后的结果写回原文件中
sed -i 's/\(regexp\)/new_\1/' distros.txt


[me@linuxbox ~]$ echo "front" | sed 's/front/back/'

15.2 多行处理


sed '/ee/N;   s/\n/ /' tmp.txt;   -- 按行匹配到ee后,读出下一行内容形成两行匹配,将其中的换行符替换为 空格。

16. cut

cut是一个简单功能的字段截取工具,推荐使用更强功能的awk awk语法速查

cut OPTION... [FILE]...
# cat test.txt
No Name Mark Percent
01 tom 69 91
02 jack 71 87
03 alex 68 98

# 截取字符1到4
# cut -c1,4 test.txt
No N
01 t
02 j
03 a

# cut -f 1 test.txt

# cut -f2,3 test.txt
Name Mark
tom 69
jack 71
alex 68

# cat test2.txt

# cut -f2 -d";" test2.txt

17. wget批量下载文件

使用 wget 完成批量下载

如果想下载一个网站上目录中的所有文件, 我需要执行一长串wget命令, 但这样做会更好:

wget -nd -r -l1 --no-parent http://www.foo.com/mp3/

这条命令可以执行的很好, 但有时会下载像 index.@xx 这样一些我不想要的文件. 如果你知道想要文件的格式, 可以用下面的命令来避免下载那些多余的文件:

wget -nd -r -l1 --no-parent -A.mp3 -A.wma http://www.foo.com/mp3/


-nd 不创建目录, wget默认会创建一个目录

-r 递归下载

-l1 (L one) 递归一层,只下载指定文件夹中的内容, 不下载下一级目录中的.

–no-parent 不下载父目录中的文件

18. iconv 文件编码转换

 iconv - convert text from one character encoding to another
       iconv [options] [-f from-encoding] [-t to-encoding]