simv [simv_options] -ucli
% simv -ucli ucli% # 输入help可以查看命令
交互脚本方式: simv -ucli -i
for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} { force a 1 run 10ns force top.b 0 run 10ns force b\[0\] 1; # force b[0]为1, 需要加\ }
force 命令注意,只能force信号为具体的值,不能force一个信号到另外一个信号
force到的具体值需要给完整的宽度,比如8'd28, 不能直接给28,可能会有宽度不匹配的问题,导致force失败。
force 信号最好给完整的信号hier名,尤其是有的仿真设置了多个-top
+vcs+initreg+random option must be specified at compile time # 以下可以在run simv时指定 +vcs+initreg+0 +vcs+initreg+1 +vcs+initreg+random // 采用赋随机值 +vcs+initreg+seed_value
在编译时加上 +no_notifier
initial begin if($test$plusargs("test")) begin $display("haha"); end end
% vcs -diag=sdf:verbose example.v % simv % cat sdfAnnotateInfo The following is the output: Static entries in elaborated design under "test": Annotated by SDF "example.sdf": No. of Pathdelays = 4 Annotated = 50.00% No. of Tchecks = 4 Annotated = 50.00% Total Annotated Percentage IOPATH 4 2 50.00% Path Delays Summary of above SETUPHOLD 4 2 50.00% Timing checks Summary of above OverAll Static entries in elaborated design: No. of Pathdelays = 4 Annotated = 50.00% No. of Tchecks = 4 Annotated = 50.00% Total Annotated Percentage IOPATH 4 2 50.00% Path Delays Summary of above
# VCS Two-step Flow Compilation: % vcs -debug_access+r -sverilog -kdb top.v # VCS Three-step Flow Compilation: % vlogan top.v -kdb % vcs top -debug_access+r -kdb
reg [31:0] seed; reg [31:0] ret; initial begin if ($value$plusargs("seed=%d",seed)) begin $display("seed = %0d", seed); ret = $urandom(seed); repeat(2) begin ret = $urandom(); $display("ret = %0x", ret); end $finish; end end
./simv +seed=21 seed = 21 ret = c7466bae ret = cf3f2455 ./simv +seed=22 seed = 22 ret = 4c85682 ret = 2c3fd11a
# perl gen seed srand; $rand_seed = int (rand(100000));