不建议使用process_top_module_connections命令,这个命令是站在顶层,然后穿层次到模块里面的信号的连接,会自动开port,连接,不是一个好的tile flow。
intercept_connection node -cell_function_name function_name [-technology dft_cell_selection_name] [-input2 input2_source] [-select select_source] [-leaf_instance_prefix prefix_name] [-only_when_has_functional_source]
delete_connections obj_spec [-within] [-silent] 如果不带-within, 是删除ojb instance outside外部的连线, 带-within, 就是删除ojb inside内部的连线。
move_connections -from obj_spec1 -to obj_spec2 [-net_name net_name] [-silent] If the object within obj_spec1 a PIN: The command moves the net connected to this pin to the pin specified in obj_spec2 and the pin in obj_spec1 is left unconnected.
命令 get_dft_cell clock_buffer -cell_selection_name tech_name_1 结果 {my_buff}
命令 get_dft_cell and -input 4 结果 {and_4}
# set_system_mode setup set_system_mode analysis set_system_mode insertion create_instance u_add_buf0 -of_module [get_dft_cell buffer] -below_instance chnl_l create_instance u_add_buf1 -of_module [get_dft_cell buffer] -below_instance chnl_l delete_connections dev0/c -silent delete_connections dev1/c -silent create_connections ctl/c0 chnl_l/u_add_buf0/A -net_name ft_i_0 create_connections chnl_l/u_add_buf0/Y dev0/c -net_name ft_o_0 create_connections ctl/c1 chnl_l/u_add_buf1/A -net_name ft_i_1 create_connections chnl_l/u_add_buf1/Y dev1/c -net_name ft_o_1 delete_connections dev2/c -silent delete_connections dev3/c -silent create_connections ctl/c2 chnl_r/u_add_buf0/A -net_name ft_i_2 create_connections chnl_r/u_add_buf0/Y dev2/c -net_name ft_o_2 create_connections ctl/c3 chnl_r/u_add_buf1/A -net_name ft_i_3 create_connections chnl_r/u_add_buf1/Y dev3/c -net_name ft_o_3 write_design -output_directory out -modified -replace 输出: module chnl_a(ft_i_0, ft_o_0, ft_i_1, ft_o_1); input ft_i_0, ft_i_1; wire ft_i_0, ft_i_1; output ft_o_0, ft_o_1; wire ft_o_0, ft_o_1; buf02 u_add_buf0( .A(ft_i_0), .Y(ft_o_0) ); buf02 u_add_buf1( .A(ft_i_1), .Y(ft_o_1) ); endmodule wire ft_o_0, ft_o_1, c2, c3, ft_o_2, ft_o_3; ctl ctl( .c0 (c0 ), // output .c1 (c1 ), // output .c2 (c2 ), // output .c3 (c3 ) // output ); dev dev0(.c(ft_o_0)); dev dev1(.c(ft_o_1)); dev dev2(.c(ft_o_2)); dev dev3(.c(ft_o_3)); chnl_a chnl_l(.ft_i_0(c0), .ft_o_0(ft_o_0), .ft_i_1(c1), .ft_o_1(ft_o_1)); chnl_a chnl_r(.ft_i_0(c2), .ft_o_0(ft_o_2), .ft_i_1(c3), .ft_o_1(ft_o_3));
get_nets [name_patterns] [‑below_instances instance_objects] [‑of_pins pin_objects | ‑of_ports port_objects | ‑of_gate_pins gate_pin_objects |‑of_pseudo_ports pseudo_port_objects] [-bundle] [‑hierarchical] [‑filter attribute_equation] [‑regexp] [‑nocase] [‑silent] get_nets [name_patterns] 获得net名为pattern的net get_nets -of_pins xxxpin 获取net跟pin相对应的net, net名与pin名名字一样 如果想获取pin 外面连线名,可用get_fanout -stop_on net