====== tessent occ ======
===== - operation mode =====
==== - function mode ====
functional mode (test_mode = 0) that enables the fast clock gater to supply a fast clock to the design.
==== - shift mode ====
shift mode (scan_en = 1) that uses the slow_clock to load and unload the scan chains, including the condition bits in ShiftReg.
==== - shift only mode ====
Shift-only mode disables the OCC (test_mode = 0) and activates shift (scan_en = 1). It enables the slow clock clock gater to use the slow clock path for shift, and it enables bypass shift.
这个信号默认需要连接到 DFT信号ext_ltest_en
==== - slow capture mode ====
slow capture mode (fast_capture_mode = 0) that uses the slow_clock to capture data into the scan cells and to shift the condition bits in ShiftReg.
==== - fast capture mode ====
fast capture mode (fast_capture_mode = 1) that uses the fast_clock to capture data into the scan cells and to shift the condition bits in ShiftReg.
==== - kill clock mode ====
kill clock mode (kill_clock_en = 1) that enables you to block propagation of fast_clock input to clock_out output. Asserting the kill_clock_en signal is effective in the two operating modes when the OCC is not active:
===== - 结构伪代码 =====
clock_mux21 tessent_persistent_cell_inject_tck_mux (
.A0 ( slow_clock_buf_out ),
.A1 ( ijtag_tck ),
.S0 ( inject_tck ),
.Y ( slow_clock_tck_injected )
cgand tessent_persistent_cell_cgc_fast_clock (
.CK ( fast_clock_buf_out ),
.FE ( fast_clock_en ),
.TE ( fast_clock_en ),
.GCK ( fast_clock_gated )
cgand tessent_persistent_cell_cgc_slow_clock (
.CK ( slow_clock_tck_injected ),
.FE ( slow_clock_en ),
.TE ( slow_clock_en ),
.GCK ( slow_clock_gated )
clock_mux21 tessent_persistent_cell_clock_out_mux (
.A0 ( fast_clock_gated ),
.A1 ( slow_clock_gated ),
.S0 ( clock_mux_select ),
.Y ( clock_out )
assign kill_clock_en_gated = kill_clock_en & ~test_mode;
assign fast_clock_en = ((ShiftReg_SCAN_OUT & fast_capture_mode & (SCAN_EN_inv_sync || active_upstream_parent_occ)) | (~test_mode)) & (~kill_clock_en_gated);
assign slow_clock_en = (((ShiftReg_SCAN_OUT & (~fast_capture_mode)) | scan_en) & test_mode) | inject_tck | (shift_only_mode & scan_en);
assign clock_mux_select = ((scan_en | (~fast_capture_mode)) & test_mode) | inject_tck | (shift_only_mode & scan_en);
===== - Parent mode =====
Parent-mode operation is one of the operating modes of the standard OCC.
This operating mode bypasses the OCC clock gating logic and performs clock selection only. \\
It requires a downstream child-mode OCC to perform the clock gating and chopping.
Parent-mode, 父OCC只做时钟function clk 与shift clk之间进行切换,不做OCC的pluse gateing(这部分由child-OCC来实现)
===== - Child OCC =====
SSN好像是不支持child OCC
Child OCC有两种实现:
* 普通OCC的child mode
* child-only的OCC
# 级联OCC会报R27问题, 配置成Parent OCC mode + child OCC mode就不会报这个问题。
add_core_instances -inst [get_inst top_rtl2_tessent_occ_parent_*] \
-parameter {parent_mode on fast_capture_mode on}
set_static_dft_signal_values retargeting3_mode 1
//set_drc_handling R27 warning
set_core_instance_parameters -instances \
coreb_i1/coreb_rtl2_tessent_occ_clka_inst -parameter_values \
{active_upstream_parent_occ on}
set_core_instance_parameters -instances \
coreb_i1/coreb_rtl2_tessent_occ_clkb_inst -parameter_values \
{active_upstream_parent_occ on}
set_core_instance_parameters -instances \
coreb_i1/coreb_rtl2_tessent_occ_clkc_inst -parameter_values \
{active_upstream_parent_occ on}