====== axi4-lite ====== AXI4 signals not supported in AXI4-Lite The AXI4-Lite interface does not support the following signals: AWLEN, ARLEN The burst length is defined to be 1, equivalent to an AxLEN value of zero. AWSIZE, ARSIZE All accesses are defined to be the width of the data bus. Note AXI4-Lite requires a fixed data bus width of either 32-bit or 64-bit. AWBURST, ARBURST The burst type has no meaning because the burst length is 1. AWLOCK, ARLOCK All accesses are defined as Normal accesses, equivalent to an AxLOCK value of zero. AWCACHE, ARCACHE All accesses are defined as Non-modifiable, Non-bufferable, equivalent to an AxCACHE value of 0b0000. WLAST, RLAST All bursts are defined to be of length 1, equivalent to a WLAST or RLAST value of 1